Countng Calories

SrVishi Posts: 2 Member
Hello, I was wondering if anyone could provide advice on my problem. I am a male who has had anorexia in the past (still have some slips and lapses here and there) along with bulimic tendencies (purging through exercise, not vomit). My problem is that recently, my eating has gotten a bit out of whack, and though I am normal weight, I am still have a bit of flab. I have also been bingeing a bit and sometimes with exercise purging and sometimes without which hurts my progress. I really just want to tone up a bit. My problem is that I have been trying to count calories, but that has either led to too much restriction or bingeing which obviously gets me nowhere. I was wondering if I should continue counting calories or, alternatively, eat only when hungry. In the end, I just want to cut body fat to get toned (like, with abs). I am doing body weight exercises for strength though I don't care much about putting on much muscle as I am a distance runner so I would like to remain lean. So, should I try counting calories? Has any one gotten toned and abs from just eating intuitively and cleanly with body weight exercises and cardio?


  • esmaythemermaid
    esmaythemermaid Posts: 18 Member
    I was in a very similar position to where you are now. I still kind of am. I've tried to make a caloric goal of 1200 (which is the minimum intake that mfp will set for me, and I make sure I'm meeting it. A little under or over is okay. But sometimes it's still too triggering because 1200 is so high and I'm still not meeting that requirement most of the time..I do know some people that are recovering and counting calories and it definitely helps when you're more nutritionally conscious about you and the foods you eat. I've recently become a vegan (since April, before that I've been a vegetarian for over two years) and starting mid last week I've begun practicing clean eating. It's been helping, a lot, because I know I'm eating what I need to eat--nutritionally speaking--and I've started taking b12 vitamins (which helps with energy and my mood too). It's also helping me with my relationship with food as a whole, because I feel a more respect for the food rather than a distaste for it. I'm not saying that you should do what I've been doing, but I do think that finding something that helps you with your relationship with food and yourself is essential to recovery.

    Counting calories can totally work, but if it's something that triggers you (numbers trigger me a lot because I come from a scientific and mathematical background, educationally speaking) then don't do it. It is totally possible to be able to eat intuitively and lose weight and get toned up and everything. It's more about what you eat over how much you eat. Eat the right foods at the right time of the day and your body will be well nourished and it will naturally be easier to lose weight and get stronger. You can totally do it and I believe in you. Most of all, you need time. I've learned that recovery is a series of trial and error so you can find what works best for you to heal from the inside and outside.

    I'm always here if you ever want to talk more about it. If you need help with nutrition and what kinds of foods and nutrients and things you should focus on for the foal you're trying to meet (the healthy way) I'm always here and more than glad to help out with the knowledge that I've been gaining and everything I've been learning. Or to just talk about anything, you can shoot me a message any time :).

    I hope you find your way, love. You can do it!! <3

    I'm going to send you a friend req, if that's okay. I definitely need more friends on here that are pursuing recovery.
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
    Trying to recover too