Just Beginning

Oh boy, I really want a whole pizza right now, but I am eating a bag of baby carrots instead. I am on a 3-day streak of eating healthy and I have to say it is one of the hardest things I have ever done. I am not "dieting" because I have tried every "diet" known to man and they are expensive and only work when you pay to follow them. Monday I approached my new doctor for help, support, understanding, and/or compassion with my weight loss struggles and I got nothing. She was cold and rude and unsympathetic. Of course, she is about as big around as a broom stick. Needless to say, she is no longer my doctor. I am doing this one on my own by using myfitnesspal, planning my meals, only snacking healthy, and sharing with and growing from all of you beautiful people.

Thank you for allowing fur baby mommies here. That is all I have, but they are my life.


  • jmek926
    jmek926 Posts: 15 Member
    I am right there with you on the dieting and the fur babies part! I don't diet anymore... I try to eat healthy. If I deprive myself... I will binge eat and it will not be good. So I have tried sticking to this moderation thing. I need chocolate.. ok so I eat one piece instead of the whole bag. MFP is also good at teaching you portions based on calories. If i don't actually log my food, I ALWAYS underestimate the calories I am taking in. So my goal (starting this week because I haven't been good at this so far) is to log everything... the good, the bad, and the ugly.

    Good Luck!! Friend me! Daily support is the best motivator... and the only support I have is through people on here.
  • ponygirl45
    Thank you! I feel like right now it is just one baby step at a time. Maybe that is what it will always be. But I figure each baby step in the right direction will get me to the goal eventually.
  • leeann788
    leeann788 Posts: 72 Member
    Ladies, we can totally do this!