did I hurt myself?

harrellap Posts: 17 Member
So we were maxing out on our jerk's today and we couldn't split jerk it had to keep feet under us and I lost my balance and it tried to go backwards and I think I strained my back pretty good. it is already extremely sore. should I still do my WOD later today or let it rest. it is just sore pain nothing else. I should have dropped the bar sooner but thought I could get it under control...now I know I guess. any advice?


  • ashlando
    ashlando Posts: 125 Member
    Try to listen to what your body is telling you. It sounds like you experienced pain immediately after the incident, indicating a strain of some sort.

    If you really want to try and WOD, make sure you do a long warm-up and mobility session beforehand. It really depends on the movements, though everything involves your back at some point or another. I find that when my back is talking to me, light rowing really helps to warm up and bring blood flow to the area.

    If it's still bothering you, stop what you are doing. When you get home, alternate between hot and cold compresses which should help relieve the strained muscles and just take it day by day.
  • harrellap
    harrellap Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you. I am just glad it is sore and not pinching or hurting to move! I don't think I had my core tight. I need more ab work I guess!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I am probably too late.
    But, I wouldn't do it. I would wait a day and see what you have. You may have only experienced a minor injury. But, if you go out and stress it more right away, you could create a worse injury. By tomorrow the swelling and the tightness will have set in and you'll be better able to judge what you can and cannot do.
    I say this because there is absolutely nothing worse than a strained back and if you make it really bad it can take a long time to heal.
    It might be minor. Then you miss one WOD. But, if you make it worse, you could be out for a week or more.
    Good luck.