Beware-tough love



  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Just my two cents; IMO it is not the fact that people ask repetitive request or even vent and put in there points of view. All that is fine and cool. But the end results is the same we must eat our protein, take our vitamins the same way we have to get up and go to work and pay our bills. We are adults we know what we signed up for so we must do what needs to be done. End of story!

  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Thank you, thank you, Thank you, thank you , THANK YOU! needed this today. I'm kinda getting tired of hearing people complain about this.....HI YOU CHOSE TO DO THIS TO YOURSELF.

    If you don't follow the orders of the doctor, then you have only yourself to one else.
    I don't find this a supportive comment, sorry. Some people are going to struggle with certain components of this lifestyle and what I love about this forum is that it is ok to struggle and ask for help.
    The last thing we want to do is scare people and stop them for asking for advice and a bit of support when things are tough. I hope those who are needing support don't get scared off by this. Sorry if I offend, I don't want to but I think there is tough love and then there is 'suck it up and get on with it' and this is to me the latter.

    And that's why it's called "Tough Love". The part you quote isn't "supportive" if you are looking for someone to pat your hand and say "I know! It's not fair you have to eat this way now". But it really is supportive if you are looking for someone to tell you the truth about post surgery reality.

    Look, this isn't an easy road and we all stumble sometimes. But the truth is, this is what we signed up for. If we use this wonderful tool we will lose the weight. If we keep using it we will keep the weight off. But if we sit back and don't use the tool and only whine about how hard it is or make excusses, we will not succeed

    Yes, we are here to support each other, but sometimes that means pointing out unpleasant truths. And, I can't speak for anyone but myself here, but part of my whole obesity problem was sitting around whining about how hard the diet program was (name one, I did them all) and making excuses why I couldn't do it or exercise until I weighed 386 pounds and then I really couldn't exercise. Heck! I could barely walk!

    So I may not like the tough love part of this, but I need it and I respect it and I welcome it. 162 pounds down, 64 to go and loving every bit of help I get here!
  • jkern9110
    jkern9110 Posts: 119 Member
    I think that we can all agree that there is definitely more than one way to skin this cat aka weightloss. Heck, even the doctors or nutrition administered plans will vary from place to place. All of our journeys will be unique and people will both stumble and triumph along the way in this journey to overall improved health and well-being. Each of us will get there! I like the original post because it addresses the things that don't vary from doctor to doctor or nut to nut: we need to drink our water, get in our protein, and take our vitamins! The end!

    I, absolutely, have not been perfect through my journey, but I have accomplished goals and reaped the benefits of my health success. As long as I persevere through my struggles and stumbles, then I will continue to be successful. I don't think the eggface post was written with the intention of scaring people off or of demeaning any fellow sleevers. I think it had a goal of identifying with two different sets of people: (1) those who need a kick in the butt to make sure they get in those fundamental building blocks or (2) people will see it and think, "Yep, that's me. I get this *kitten* done!"

    Let's not get all tied up in thinking, "oh I would have said that differently" or "oohhh ,harsh!" This is a free open forum where people can post what they have learned and how they feel and we as the readers choose whether or not we want to read a post and if we want to put any merit into what we are reading. I've skimmed a few articles in my time where I've thought, "this person is full of it!" and then I just click out of it. Everything comes down to personal choices. Choices of whether or not we are going to drink that water, or eat that protein, or take our vitamins, or read that post, or accept what that person is saying as the Gospel. And that's why I love this forum, this site, and America..." 'MERICA!!!"

    Disclaimer: I would not accept what I am saying as the "gospel." It's 2:30 and I haven't had my afternoon snack...aka I just rambled out every thought that popped in my head.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Awesome post jkern.
    We are all here because we are on this journey together and that is what unites us.
    Well said. :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    Oh well. I guess some folks are not as fragile as I was at first. I try not to put everyone in the same basket because regardless of similarities, each persons history and journey are different. I guess it is okay for me to disagree. Let's face it, I was given different rules to follow re protein intake than most on here. So I know there are alternatives for those struggling with some ' rules' and nothing is written in stone. In my view the aim is healthy weight loss and finding the best combination of rules for oneself.