Am I gaining to much weight?

JennypegMarie Posts: 133 Member
Hiya Ladies, Im so tired of battling with my weight and worrying about it...

I was 196lb to start with when I conceived and now I've gained 15lb at 31 weeks pregnant.

I have a pregnancy app that's telling me I'm now in the "excessive weigh range" :(

I've been debating to put my calories to maintaining which I did for a week, I am now back down to 1800 - though in fairness possibly eating a hundred or so over because I'm not satisfied.

I am seriously thinking of dropping lower, I'm so afraid of putting too much on. My OB isn't concerned she did tell me not to drop below 1800. But I'm concerned about my weight.

My diet isn't bad, I do have a sweet treat but go steady on them which you have too when your restricting anyway.

Any advice ladies?

Thank you.

ps I will be happy to open my diary if anyone's interested in my intake.


  • sunflower92630
    sunflower92630 Posts: 76 Member
    Need more information. how old are you what is your height what was your starting weight pre-pregnancy are you carrying twins?
    Then better able to give you advice on your weight range
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    No you are not gaining too much. 15 lbs is not a lot for 31 weeks. In fact I think it sounds great. I am not a doctor but with my first I gained around 40 lbs and second I gained around 45 which is a bit high but I had healthy babies and with the first lost all of the weight plus another 15lbs or so in the year after. Gaining weight can be stressful but restricting your calories too much could harm the baby. The app uses #'s and statistics but your OB knows the whole pic. If she told you not to drop below 1800 you should trust her. Apps can be created by anyone. Please remember that because you are gaining does not mean you are always gaining fat .

    Where Does the Extra Weight Go During Pregnancy? (just an example)
    Baby: 8 pounds
    Placenta: 2-3 pounds
    Amniotic fluid: 2-3 pounds
    Breast tissue: 2-3 pounds
    Blood supply: 4 pounds
    Stored fat for delivery and breastfeeding: 5-9 pounds
    Larger uterus: 2-5 pounds
    Total: 25-35 pounds
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    You are doing just fine.
    The stress is going to hurt you and baby more than the weight.

    Just eat healthy and don't worry about the scale.
    After baby is born you can work it off.
  • JennypegMarie
    JennypegMarie Posts: 133 Member
    Need more information. how old are you what is your height what was your starting weight pre-pregnancy are you carrying twins?
    Then better able to give you advice on your weight range

    I'm 29 years old, was 196lbs pre- and 5'5 in height and no only carrying one baby
  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
    I think most, if not all of us pregnant ladies can relate to the psychological difficulty of putting on weight during pregnancy. That being said, your said yourself that your OB is not at all concerned about your weight gain, and that's what is most important.

    Please don't deprive your body or your baby. We're here to support you!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I think 15 lbs at 31 weeks is fantastic.

    Now is not the time to be restricting your calories. Your baby still needs those additional calories, especially now, during your third trimester.

    Worry about the weight after baby.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I think you're doing fine. With #1 I weighed 150lbs & gained 34lbs (5'1"). I was in the overweight Bmi. I lost all but 8lbs at my 6 week checkup. Now with baby #2, I'm 15 weeks & gained 7lbs. You will lose it all, especially if you breast feed.
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Sounds like you're doing fine. I completely understand the paranoia about gaining too much weight! I gained 50 lbs with my first, and didn't manage to lose much of it before getting pregnant with this one.

    As long as your OB isn't concerned, I wouldn't be. Don't pay attention to the pregnancy apps, they're too generic and could never give you good specific advice. There is an online calorie calculator that several of us have used that seems to be pretty good if you want to check it out:

    Remember, these are guidelines... not rules! If you are hungry, then eat!

    And like a few of the others have said, it WILL come off! Breastfeeding will help if you plan on doing that. I lost 25 lbs by my 6 week check up, and an additional 10 after that before it slowed to a stop. That was NOT exercising or eating a certain way, just natural loss and breastfeeding.
  • sunflower92630
    sunflower92630 Posts: 76 Member
    Ok I am probably not going to gain any brownie points here but you asked the question and I am going to give you an honest answer so please forgive me.
    According to the stats that you gave 196 pre-pregnancy weight at 5'5 at 15 pounds pounds weight gain at 31 weeks you are heading towards the being over the recommended weight gain for someone your height and prepregnancy weight.
    The recommended weight gain for someone your height and weight is 11- 20 pounds.
    At 40 weeks high range 216 pounds
    At 40 weeks low range 207 pounds.
    Your current weight at 31 weeks puts you at 211 pounds so you are still in range if you can slow down the weight gain and only gain about .5 pounds per week for the rest of your pregnancy.

    I am not a doctor so I can only give suggestions but really probably should only be eating pre-pregnancy maintenance calories + 250 calories if you want to stay within the weight range.
    If your doctor doesn't seemed concerned by it then I wouldn't worry too much about it, really all you can try is to eat healthy and workout as much as your body will let you at this time.

    And the weight gain ranges are just "Recommendations" every woman and pregnancy is different its just a recommendation to help so that you don't have complications at labor due to excess weight or underweight.
  • JennypegMarie
    JennypegMarie Posts: 133 Member
    Thank you for replying ladies,

    I am now 34 weeks and up by 25lbs total - so I am over the recommended target for my BMI

    My calories are set at 1830 but Im eating around 2000 on a hungry day. Im trying to be as active as possible with given circumstances, My Midwife and OB are not concerned. They said has long as the baby's healthy, which he is.

    I'm hoping the weight gain will slow down now, but midwife has said that he will still compact fat right up until the end, so I'm just going to have to bare with it and keep logging and eat as best I can. I am with holding a lot of water, so I know that won't help.

    Thank you for your support and advice guys, it means a lot. :flowerforyou: