Maybe TMI, but need some input.. =)

oStephhanie Posts: 35 Member
I am three weeks out from being sleeved, and was just wondering: Does anyone have any suggestions on a product that will make "going" easier? I am taking Benefiber 2-3 times a day, and getting in at least the required (in stage 3) 60 ounces of fluid in a day. I just feel like I am not going enough, and when I do, its difficult.


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I was having issues too in the beginning. I took milk of magnesia and stool softeners, as suggested by my surgeon. It helped a lot! No need to suffer if you don't have to!
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    I would try to up your water. The fiber you are taking will result in constipation if you don't have enough water.
    I am 1.5 weeks and get about 70+ ounces a day. Make sure you drink extra when you take your fiber.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    That is the proper dose of benefiber. If you are still having firm BM's you need more water. I make a huge batch of lentil sambhar every week and try to have a cup every day.
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Stef: When I first had surgery. The doctor put me on Senokot and a stool softener (sorry can't remember the name right now) that was about the only thing that helped me in the beginning. Now 3 years later the prunes work and sometimes thou rarely I have to use the meds. I hope you get some relief soon. Nothing worse that sitting on a hard golf ball.
  • oStephhanie
    oStephhanie Posts: 35 Member
    Nothing worse that sitting on a hard golf ball.

    Hahahah. Nail on the head.

    My follow up with the surgeon is next week, I will try to up my water (good lord its hard!) until then, and see what he says. Thank you!!!