multiple Apps

oonga Posts: 336 Member
I notice people have several apps synced.
I often use run keeper to keep track of my mileage, but don't have it synced to MFP.
I have recently synced my BMF, which i will be replacing with the UP24 soon.
The Core BMF which i started wearing again about a week ago, is giving really high burns, I have since changed my height and the METS and it seems to have settled down a bit now :)

I don't log exercise on mfp now, just have negative calories enabled and figure its my TDEE anyway, which includes exercise.

I am somewhat confused as to the purpose of syncing say Run keeper and the UP24 and mfp and any other apps?

My understanding is that the UP will give me the TDEE for any running, walking I do, as well as my other TDEE activities.
Runkeeper gives me the calories/ mileage for walking and running.
So what would be the purpose / advantage of syncing both to MFP?

I know the UP24 is not going to give me calories burnt for weights, but I can use the stopwatch feature for that.

What am I missing with the idea of syncing multiple Apps?


  • raymiles
    raymiles Posts: 13 Member
    I tried Runkeeper for a while, just to see how it was, but it's not really suitable for my iPad 2, which doesn't have 'proper' GPS. I do use MapMyFitness from time to time, although I am not sure how accurate it is, since it presumably judges distance by the triangulations it can obtain (not much use when out in the country and not close to someone's wifi signal).
    Since the two apps are quite similar, all I can say is that I have MapMyFitness synced to UP. I found yesterday after logging a walk of about an hour that it added about 23 cals to my total on UP, by which I mean extra to the cals that the UP itself said I had burned that were based on the number of steps I took.
    I also sync Fitstar to the UP, and that passes it on to MFP. Six Pack won't sync to UP but does to MFP. So I use MFP as the ultimate arbiter.
    (This may not be very helpful. You could try posting your query on the Jawbone forums, which are a bit more active and where there are one or two really knowledgeable people posting!)
  • send2Tia
    It's basically useful if you're concerned about logging your workouts on MFP--otherwise BMF or Jawbone will enter in all the calories burned but doesn't log the workouts individually like the other apps do. I tried using Mapmyfitness with UP and it did indeed log my workout to both UP and MFP but it would create workouts in my Up all on it's own that I DID NOT do as well and so I stopped using it.
    Also one thing that I don't care for is, for example I just tried syncing my Garmin with MFP and it logs calories burned but the description it gives is totally wrong always saying I'm running at a very past pace when I was perhaps just walking.