What to eat after surgery.

kaeli_shay Posts: 11 Member
Hi all,

I am wondering what I can eat and make ahead for the 2 weeks after surgery. I know I can have broth, and jello. I just don't really know what else. Can I blend up soups and eat that?

Thank you!


  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    You should have a dietary packet from your surgeon with a list of approved foods. Every surgeon is different. That said sugar free Popsicles are great. There is really no point in stocking up. Your tastes are pretty much guaranteed to change. You will only end up with unbeaten food, Ordering some protein shake sample packs is helpful. The Unjury shake I liked before surgery I found revolting after. You also will be eating such a tiny amount the first few weeks so a couple quarts of broth, box or two of sugar fee jello, box of sugar free Popsicles and a 6 pack of g2 Gatorade along with your protein shake will set you right up. You will be back to driving within the wk so you can go get what you feel like. You have to check when you are allowed purées. Liquid or purée, both should pass thru a sieve.
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    It depends on your doctor's guidelines, of course. I was on clear liquids so I bought some Syntrax nectars sample packs, Isopure Zero, and Unjury chicken soup for protein. I bought sugar free jello and popsicles, even though I hate artificial stuff. I also bought and froze some Pho broth from a local restaurant. I made sure I had some full liquid proteins for when I was ready for that - Premier Protein from Costco, Unjury Chocolate, Syntrax Sweets sample packs, etc.

    After surgery, I had bad nausea for about a week and I couldn't stand the Isopure but I can drink it now (almost 2 weeks out.) Same thing with jello and popsicles. I was so so glad to have the Pho broth and chicken soup protein. I also drank de-caf ginger tea to help with the nausea.

    I was allowed milk based proteins on day 4, but only because of my nausea. Otherwise, I had to wait a little over a week for the full liquids, which includes blended soups, pudding and yogurt. Don't move to the next stage until your Doctor, or their literature, tells you to. Everyone has a different way of doing things.