
caseyjarryn Posts: 61 Member
So I went for a jog this morning, and when got home MFP said I had a fitbit calorie adjustment of about 340 calories. But after Runkeeper synced with MFP it now has 'running, etc... 52 minutes, 347 calories burned' which is all well and good and matched what fitbit had said except that now my fitbit calorie adjustment is -66, giving me a total calorie adjustment of 281. Why did it change the estimated calorie burn after the activity was logged??


  • glasshalffull713
    glasshalffull713 Posts: 323 Member
    I think a negative calorie adjustment means that MFP actually projected you would burn more calories than you actually did according to your fitbit. Maybe you have your activity level set too high?
  • Kimsied
    Kimsied Posts: 232
    If you have Runkeeper and MFP linked that will happen. The Fitbit Adjustment is calculated by MFP and is only supposed to include activity calories that MFP has no other way of knowing about. Any activity logged to MFP (by you or a linked app) is excluded from your Fitbit Adjustment to avoid double counting the same calories burned (which would result in too high an allowance for your goals).
  • caseyjarryn
    caseyjarryn Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks, I have MFP set to sedentary ( I work in an office) and understand that fitbit will give me a negetive calorie adjustment if I don't do enough steps to even reach that level (there is a negetive adjustment most mornings until I've done a few hundred to a 1000 steps) But this morning the fitbit it adjustment on MFP was at 340 calories burned... *until* I added the activity to runkeeper, which syncs with MFP, and the activity was logged correctly with the 340 calories burned (it's all I had done for the day at this point, I'd just got home from the run) but then fitbit added a negetive adjustment making the overall adjustment only around 280 calories burned. It's like it was saying 'Oh, you *ran* some of these steps? well you didn't burn as many calories then...' which doesn't make any sense to me...