Low Fluid Levels

Enic03 Posts: 165 Member
Has anyone had experience with low fluid levels leading to induction? My OB told me they are a bit concerned with me waiting too much longer for induction since my AFI was measuring at around 5.8. I am 40w and 2 days today and really want to push for as long as possible but this information creeps me out a bit.


  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    Have not experienced this but this sounds like it's one of those situations that a medical intervention would be best. Low amniotic fluid levels can cause lots of issues for baby. Are you showing any signs of heading toward labor? You made it to 40wks so baby should be fine if they decide to take him/her out now.

  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I have a RL friend here that just had an emergency Csection 3 weeks early because of dangerously low fluid levels. They told her a couple months ago that her fluid was low - it has been getting worse and worse at every appt until she didn't have a choice anymore. Baby had to come out.
  • Enic03
    Enic03 Posts: 165 Member
    Not showing any signs of heading towards labor. Baby flipped awhile back but other than that, no contractions, plug/show, baby hasn't dropped and I am only 1cm dilated. I guess it's not induction that creeps me out but the increased risk of a c-section that comes with it especially since my cervix is not wanting to do anything at this point. I know c-sections are better than they used to be but it has always been a fear of mine.
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    By far the most common advice I've heard is that having sex gets things going. I didn't believe it but I looked it up and found "semen contains a hormonelike substance called prostaglandin, which is used in synthetic form to induce labor". It's not going to start labor early but if you are getting close it might help the cervix make the needed changes. I had a natural birth with the first and an emergency c section with the second. I am really hoping for a natural birth with this baby. My midwife also said accupuncture can help along with stripping membranes. Maybe one or more of those things would help baby progress a little more so that you have better chances of avoiding a c-section. I also recently read some info on fetal positioning exercises that help baby move down and into position. You can google that and find lots of info. Good luck.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I know someone who was induced for that reason at 39 weeks. It ended up going fine for her and she avoided a C section. Something else you can try are Evening Primrose Oil capsules. I'm pretty sure they are like vitamin E pills. You can crack them open and insert them right against your cervix to help soften it. If you do a quick google search, you'll find more info. I didn't do it in the past, but plan to this time. I was induced with both of my previous pregnancies and while it wasn't how I had hoped to do things, I was able to have vaginal births. You're right though...its best to avoid an induction is possible! I hope baby decides to come soon!