What are your goals?

Fat2_Fit Posts: 14 Member
Hello everyone,
Just started a new account. I have been on and off MFP for a while. Anyway I was wondering what your goals were? How many calories do you eat a day? What diet are you following? What are your measurement goals? Weight goals?

I'll start.
Well I'm 5'8 and 24yr.
I have my intake set at 1050 but that is just my NET not my total intake. I try to keep my total below 1,500.
Diet:eat clean. I'm not perfect at it but I feel better about my self/body when I eat really healthy. Not that I wont cave for some pizza or egg rolls now and then.
My current weight is 143, my highest was 176. Lowest in the last 5 years, 134. I have a small frame so Ideally I'd like to be around 115-125.

Like these ladies! :D

My current measurements are 38-30-40
Ideally I'd like to have 34-26-36, as much as I'd love a 22-24" waist it's just not in the cards for me with out surgery.

These love handles got's to go! LOL


  • eamillie
    eamillie Posts: 14 Member
    Hey there! I am 5' 8" and about 191 right now. A couple years back, I weighed 130 and I looked *sick* (and, frankly, was). My first goal is 164, since that would put me in the normal BMI range. I would like to get down to 140, but I really don't know past there. I am eating 2000-2500 cal/day depending on my activity level and am losing about one pound a week. My measurement goals are probably around... 38-27-38. Currently, I'm like... 42-31-41, so... We'll see.

    Those gals are too "fit" looking for my liking, hahahaha. Just personal preference! They are absolutely gorgeous, but I don't want their bodies. :) I like looking a bit softer, but w/e. Where ever I am healthy, both emotionally and physically. :)
  • Sh3rl0ckH0lm3s
    Sh3rl0ckH0lm3s Posts: 10 Member
    Those girls do look mighty skinny! But are obviously very fit and toned.

    I am 22 and currently 179lbs (down from 190lbs last year) and hope to get down to 154. (Similar to the post above me!) If I want to lose 7lbs more I will try but if I fit into a size 10/12 UK then I'll be happy at 154.

    I'm running for cardio, swimming once a week to ease the joints, and using the weight machines at the gym to keep up my muscle mass. I only want to lose fat after all!

    Good luck girls and feel free to add me as a friend - I would love some support!