Motivation Killers

So I'm going through a major rough patch and it's killing my motivation. I have been being tested for cervical cancer and today just got the official diagnosis today. So I now start yet another round of tests with my oncologist in preparation for a hysterectomy. I'm so annoyed with my body and the fact that I'll have 2-6 weeks of recovery time before I can go back to work (probably gonna have to take an unpaid leave of absence which completely freaks me out about having money for day to day expenses let alone saving money for this little wedding thing) or even contemplate a workout routine. I'm just so frustrated. I'm 50% IDGAF about my body and diet and 50% holy crap, I have 50 lbs to lose and a wedding dress to try on and buy, I gotta get on this in a big BIG way.

So I'm curious, what are your motivation killers?