Corollary Quest: See You in Hell, Candy Boys!



  • bomftdrum
    bomftdrum Posts: 270 Member
    This time I am going to us the >Friday the 13th on Paul, while Matt uses the same weapon that he has been.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    @LAYLA yeah it was a lucky coincidence you took cover LOL

    :O Layla injects Psycho....damage increased by 50% for the next three turns
    Tiner full restores his HP!

    [Final Symphony Remix] critically strikes Paul twice for 54 DMG xD
    [Calamity Trigger] shoots but misses Paul...

    :O Rich and Paul consume Chocolate Implosion. They are afflicted by Sugar Rush. For the next three turns, 10 HP is restored each turn and chance to dodge is increased.
    [Board of Education] hits Tiner with Tetanus for 8 DMG
    DT aborbs 5 DMG
    :( Tiner is Poisoned. -5 HP for the next five turns.
    Rich's [Pew-Pew-Pew!] critically strikes Layla for 16 DMG xD
    DT absorbs 4 DMG

    Select Target
    [Paul 38 HP]
    [Rich 200 HP]

    S3 P8(+1) E5(+2) C6 I6 A7 L5
    [LAYLA 98 HP / 20 AP] DT 4 Trigger Happy, Better Criticals, Desperation
    >Final Symphony Remix
    Rex Mars
    Use Item
    Take Cover

    [TINER 82 HP / 60 AP] DT 5
    S5 P7 E4 C8 I7 A7 L7
    >Calamity Trigger
    Use Item
    Special Perk
    >Target Confirmed!
    Drunken Sailor Style
    Take Cover
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    @ODWAR Ha! That's very sweet of you to do that for Megumi! I switched out the Assault Rifle for the Baseball Bat in case the Frozen Scream special property hits. If Paul or Rich get encased by it, you can switch to the Baseball Bat for triple damage. Switching weapons in combat costs 5 AP, however. Tiner will attack automatically unless you instruct him to take cover, use a perk or an item.

    Target Confirmed guarantees critical strikes for the next 2 turns (20 AP)
    and Drunken Sailor Style doubles the party's damage output and guarantees to disorient and hit all enemies.

    Alright commencing Combat....

    [Frozen Scream] hits Paul for 13 DMG.
    :O Paul is encased in liquid nitrogen...
    [Calamity Trigger] hits Paul and Rich for 11 DMG

    Paul's [Board of Education] swings at Tiner but misses...
    Rich's [Pew-Pew-Pew!] hits Tiner for 8 DMG
    DT absorbs 5 DMG

    [ODWAR 150 HP / 20 AP] DT 10 Heavy Handed, Grim Reaper Sprint
    S7 P7 E8(+2) C4 I7(+1) A3(+) L4 (+2)
    >Frozen Scream
    Baseball Bat
    Use Item
    Take Cover

    [TINER 73 HP / 80 AP] DT 5
    S5 P7 E4 C8 I7 A7 L7
    >Calamity Trigger
    Use Item
    Special Perk
    >Target Confirmed!
    Drunken Sailor Style
    Take Cover

    Select Target
    [Paul 121 HP]
    [Rich 188 HP]
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member

    [Friday the 13th] hits Paul for 9 DMG
    :O Paul is bleeding severely -13 DMG for the next five turns
    [Irish Place Setter] critically strikes everyone for 14 DMG xD

    :O Rich and Paul consume Chocolate Implosion. They are afflicted by Sugar Rush. For the next three turns, 10 HP is restored each turn and chance to dodge is increased.
    Rich yells: "Haze them!"
    [Board of Education] critically slaps Matt and Brian for 21 DMG xD
    Rich adds a mod chip to [Pew-Pew-Pew!]
    :( It can now strike multiple enemies...

    [BRIAN 78 HP / 25 AP] DT 13 Atomic Bugaloo, Mysterious Stranger, Energy to Spare
    S7 P6(+1) E6 C6 I4 A6(+1) L5(+1)

    >Friday the 13th
    Honey ♂ PUNCH!
    Public Nuisance (Heroic)
    Use Item
    Special Perk
    >It's Tiner Time!
    Take Cover

    [MATT 108 HP / 40 AP] DT 10
    S9 P7 E9 C3 I4 A3 L5

    Knock Knock
    >Irish Place-Setter
    Use Item
    Special Perk
    >Duck and Cover!
    Buffalo Stance
    Take Cover

    Select Target
    [Paul 73 HP]
    [Rich 177 HP]
  • bomftdrum
    bomftdrum Posts: 270 Member
    Same thing as last time good sir.
  • Odwaroftorn
    Odwaroftorn Posts: 110 Member
    Actually, I was buying the chocolates for Magumi because she's with me. It was my (apparently not so clever) way of saying who I took with me. I don't think I've seen anyone take her, so I felt it was time.

    If I can switch ok, if not then we'll both attack. If I can switch to Magumi, then we'll both attack.

    Switching may change things in the first round of fighting.
  • nicca_jb
    nicca_jb Posts: 1,278 Member
    Oh ffs. Poison?! Ugh...

    Tiner, time to pull out the absinthe.
    [Drunken Sailor Style], please.

    38 hp... sigh.. I guess I'm gonna keep targeting Paul.

    Taking cover.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member

    [Friday the 13th] critically strikes Paul for 15 DMG xD
    :O Paul is bleeding severely -13 DMG for the next four turns
    [Irish Place Setter] hit everyone for 9 DMG
    :O Paul and Rich were knocked down

    :O Paul and Rich are knocked down and cannot attack

    [BRIAN 78 HP / 25 AP] DT 13 Atomic Bugaloo, Mysterious Stranger, Energy to Spare
    S7 P6(+1) E6 C6 I4 A6(+1) L5(+1)

    >Friday the 13th
    Honey ♂ PUNCH!
    Public Nuisance (Heroic)
    Use Item
    Special Perk
    >It's Tiner Time!
    Take Cover

    [MATT 108 HP / 40 AP] DT 10
    S9 P7 E9 C3 I4 A3 L5

    Knock Knock
    >Irish Place-Setter
    Use Item
    Special Perk
    >Duck and Cover!
    Buffalo Stance
    Take Cover

    Select Target
    [Paul 36 HP]
    [Rich 168 HP]
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Oops sorry about that. No problem, switching out for Magumi! Her special perk Halfway to Heaven launches an Aerial attack on the opponent with a 25% to instantly kill them (15 AP). She's a bit overpowered (more so than Tiner) I hope to balance them out more by the next Advanced Combat mission.

    [Frozen Scream] hits Paul for 13 DMG.
    :O Paul is encased in liquid nitrogen...
    [Sakura Sunrise] critically strikes Paul for 28 DMG xD

    Paul's [Board of Education] swings at Magumi but she dodges and performs Two-Step Goodbye...
    xD Magumi slams Paul to the ground -15 DMG
    [Pew-Pew-Pew!] critically strikes Odwar three times for 24 DMG xD
    DT absorbs 10 DMG

    [ODWAR 140 HP / 20 AP] DT 10 Heavy Handed, Grim Reaper Sprint
    S7 P7 E8(+2) C4 I7(+1) A3(+) L4 (+2)
    >Frozen Scream
    Baseball Bat
    Use Item
    Take Cover

    [MAGUMI HP 70 / 20 AP] DT 2
    S7 P3 E3 C2 I6 A10 L10
    >Sakura Sunrise
    Use Item
    Special Perk
    >Halfway to Heaven
    Take Cover

    Select Target
    [Paul 65 HP]
    [Rich 188 HP]

    LOL Magumi
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    A little poison is nothing our boy can't handle ^_-

    Layla pulls a bottle of Absinthe out of her satchel and gives it to Tiner...

    Tiner: Oh noe, noe, darlin'... I pramised the Overseer I won't
    Layla: < grabs Tiner by the neck and pours the bottle down his throat >
    Tiner: ! *glug glug* got reel pretty hair...

    :O Tiner starts spraying bullets haphazardly

    [Final Symphony Remix] hits everyone for 27 DMG
    [Calamity Trigger] hits everyone for 22 DMG
    :O Paul is Unconscious!
    xD Rich is disoriented!

    [Pew-Pew-Pew!] fires at Tiner but misses
    :( Tiner takes 5 poison DMG

    Select Target
    [Rich 178 HP]

    S3 P8(+1) E5(+2) C6 I6 A7 L5
    [LAYLA 98 HP / 20 AP] DT 4 Trigger Happy, Better Criticals, Desperation
    >Final Symphony Remix
    Rex Mars
    Use Item
    Take Cover

    [TINER 77 HP / 0 AP] DT 5
    S5 P7 E4 C8 I7 A7 L7
    >Calamity Trigger
    Use Item
    Special Perk
    >Target Confirmed!
    Drunken Sailor Style
    Take Cover
  • bomftdrum
    bomftdrum Posts: 270 Member
    Let's hit the same thing and try to finish Paul off.
  • nicca_jb
    nicca_jb Posts: 1,278 Member
    Nothing left to do but pound away at Rich...

    *plants a kiss on Tiner's cheek* Gowon then, Sailor. Do your thing.

    We both target Rich.
  • Odwaroftorn
    Odwaroftorn Posts: 110 Member
    We both attack Paul.

    Megumi (Magumi)? uses her special perk Halfway to Heaven and I use Frozen Scream.

    I also give Rich a nasty sneer while yelling "Run and hide little boy 'cause your next"
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    @ BRIAN
    [Friday the 13th] hits Paul for 9 DMG
    :O Paul is bleeding severely -13 DMG for the next three turns
    [Irish Place Setter] hits Paul for 9 DMG

    .....A mysterious stranger steps out of the shadows and unloads his six shooter into Paul....
    :O Paul is Unconscious!

    [Pew-Pew-Pew!] critically strikes Brian and Matt twice for 16 DMG xD
    DT absorbs 13
    DT absorbs 10

    xD Rich begins setting up a parfait station...
    Rich regains 10 HP

    [BRIAN 75 HP / 25 AP] DT 13 Atomic Bugaloo, Mysterious Stranger, Energy to Spare
    S7 P6(+1) E6 C6 I4 A6(+1) L5(+1)

    >Friday the 13th
    Honey ♂ PUNCH!
    Public Nuisance (Heroic)
    Use Item
    Special Perk
    >It's Tiner Time!
    Take Cover

    [MATT 102 HP / 40 AP] DT 10
    S9 P7 E9 C3 I4 A3 L5

    Knock Knock
    >Irish Place-Setter
    Use Item
    Special Perk
    >Duck and Cover!
    Buffalo Stance
    Take Cover

    Select Target
    [Rich 178 HP]
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member

    [Final Symphony Remix] critically strikes Rich twice for 36 DMG xD
    [Calamity Trigger] hits Rich for 11 DMG

    :( Psycho has worn off

    [Pew-Pew-Pew!] hits Layla three times for 24 DMG
    DT absorbs 4
    :( Tiner takes 5 poison DMG
    xD Rich begins setting up a parfait station...
    Rich regains 10 HP

    S3 P8(+1) E5(+2) C6 I6 A7 L5
    [LAYLA 78 HP / 20 AP] DT 4 Trigger Happy, Better Criticals, Desperation
    >Final Symphony Remix
    Rex Mars
    Use Item
    Take Cover

    [TINER 72 HP / 0 AP] DT 5
    S5 P7 E4 C8 I7 A7 L7
    >Calamity Trigger
    Use Item
    Special Perk
    >Target Confirmed!
    Drunken Sailor Style
    Take Cover

    [Rich 94 HP]
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    LOL yes its, Megumi :P

    [Frozen Scream] critically strikes Paul for 20 DMG xD.

    Megumi climbs up on Odwar's shoulders...
    :O They begin channeling energy together
    xD Megumi is emitting is bright blue aura

    Megumi: ikuze!
    She dives off Odwar and launches an aerial attack on Paul striking him several times for 50 DMG
    :O Paul is Unconscious!

    [Pew-Pew-Pew!] fires at Megumi but she dodges...
    xD Rich begins setting up a parfait station...

    [ODWAR 140 HP / 20 AP] DT 10 Heavy Handed, Grim Reaper Sprint
    S7 P7 E8(+2) C4 I7(+1) A3(+) L4 (+2)
    >Frozen Scream
    Baseball Bat
    Use Item
    Take Cover

    [MAGUMI HP 70 / 5 AP] DT 2
    S7 P3 E3 C2 I6 A10 L10
    >Sakura Sunrise
    Use Item
    Special Perk
    >Halfway to Heaven
    Take Cover

    [Rich 188 HP]
  • bomftdrum
    bomftdrum Posts: 270 Member
    I am going to use the same weapon on Rich, but Matt is going to use the Knock Knock on him.
  • Odwaroftorn
    Odwaroftorn Posts: 110 Member
    We both attack Rich.

    Megumi uses her special perk Halfway to Heaven.

    "Hey Rich, nothing's better than a frozen parfait, so I'll help you with my Frozen Scream! You should have run little boy."
  • nicca_jb
    nicca_jb Posts: 1,278 Member
    Well... hmph.

    We both attack Rich.
    We both take cover - can't be getting doused with parfait or anything.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    @ BRIAN Don't forget you can call Tiner for an additional DMG boost ^_-

    [Friday the 13th] hits Rich for 9 DMG
    :O Rich is bleeding -8 HP for the next three turns
    [Knock Knock] critically strikes Rich for 18 DMG xD
    [Knock Knock] hits Rich for 12 DMG

    :O Rich begins throwing parfaits!
    Parfait hits Matt for 15 DMG
    Parfait hits Brian for 15 DMG
    Parfait hits Matt for 15 DMG

    [BRIAN 60 HP / 25 AP] DT 13 Atomic Bugaloo, Mysterious Stranger, Energy to Spare
    S7 P6(+1) E6 C6 I4 A6(+1) L5(+1)

    >Friday the 13th
    Honey ♂ PUNCH!
    Public Nuisance (Heroic)
    Use Item
    Special Perk
    >It's Tiner Time!
    Take Cover

    [MATT 72 HP / 40 AP] DT 10
    S9 P7 E9 C3 I4 A3 L5

    Knock Knock
    >Irish Place-Setter
    Use Item
    Special Perk
    >Duck and Cover!
    Buffalo Stance
    Take Cover

    Select Target
    [Rich 131 HP]