Squatting a Big Fat Goose Egg

breefoshee Posts: 398 Member
I just completed my first work out and I'm feeling pretty humble right about now! I couldn't even use the bar! I could hardly finish squatting my body weight. And for both my bench press and barbell row, I could do 25 and nothing else. It feels really good to complete a workout, though and to have goals to look forward to!

I'm not very confident about my form at all--I know that some of that will come with time, but can anyone suggest some good videos or step-by-step instructions? I watched the ones on the stronglifts website and got the main things that he harped on (squatting parallel or below, hitting your chest with the bar) but I felt unsure about other small things, like how far to bend your knees when doing the rows, or which way my toes should point. And how do you look at yourself in the mirror to figure out if you're doing it right?

Anyways, any advice at all is very much appreciated.


  • aprilricks86
    aprilricks86 Posts: 67 Member
    It's ok! Don't worry about it, you will get stronger over time and your lifts will increase over time. I used to get sore doing squats with no weight. Not that I'm superwoman now, but I'm getting there! lol

    All the best to you!
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,296 Member
    I have little input as I've only been at it for a month and a half, but please don't fret the amount of weight. I couldn't squat the bar until last week or so (yet my legs can hold up 245lbs all day?!). Was stuck on 20lbs for what seemed like an eternity, then bam, 30lbs the next workout and 45 the one after that. Really weird, but hey. Everything else I started at 20 or so, but have progressed fairly quick. The feeling when you up your weight per exercise is incredible. First time I've ever "looked forward to" working out.

    As far as watching in the mirror, I find it easier to use my phone to vid myself and form check. I feel like trying to watch in the mirror throws your form off too much (or has potential to) and puts your concentration elsewhere.

    Best of luck and keep at it!
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,296 Member
    After my first workout squatting with 20lbs, I literally, and I mean literally, could hardly walk for a week. My legs would not bend at all. :laugh: I'm sure I looked fabulous.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i'm not the person to help you with form as i'm very newbie myself, but plenty of others will be. i've been a hoover for anything involving mark rippetoe's coaching session on youtube, and recently i've been watching a lot of elloit hulse's open gym stuff as well for corrective/diagnostic ideas.

    but i just wanted to reassure you you're not the only person who felt like that after the first sl day. it comes together. it honestly does. i'm making really slow progress, i guess - nothing near add-5-every-workout. but whenever i start to doubt i'm getting anywhere at all, i just have to pick up that bare bar. because slow or not, these days that bar by itself feels like NOTHING to me. it knocked me on my rear end the first day i tried.

    ETA: oh. one piece of really useful advice that i wish i had had right away. when you're getting ready to start a squat, take in a big breath and hold it until you finish the rep (or at least until you're coming back up). a trainer here told me to imagine i'm doing my squats in a water tank up to my chin. it gives you instant core engagement and helps you to keep your chest up the way it should be. i didn't know that at first, and i thought 'engage your core' meant 'suck in your gut.'
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    There are tonnes of videos on youtube. Watch a few different once so you get more perspective than just one person.

    Don't worry about how much weight is on the bar now, just get your form right and keep on getting on. It will come with time
  • breefoshee
    breefoshee Posts: 398 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! It's great to be able to set workout goals that will be on going!
  • breefoshee
    breefoshee Posts: 398 Member
    After my first workout squatting with 20lbs, I literally, and I mean literally, could hardly walk for a week. My legs would not bend at all. :laugh: I'm sure I looked fabulous.

    LOL... I'm pretty sure I will be rocking that look tomorrow!
  • breefoshee
    breefoshee Posts: 398 Member
    i'm not the person to help you with form as i'm very newbie myself, but plenty of others will be. i've been a hoover for anything involving mark rippetoe's coaching session on youtube, and recently i've been watching a lot of elloit hulse's open gym stuff as well for corrective/diagnostic ideas.

    but i just wanted to reassure you you're not the only person who felt like that after the first sl day. it comes together. it honestly does. i'm making really slow progress, i guess - nothing near add-5-every-workout. but whenever i start to doubt i'm getting anywhere at all, i just have to pick up that bare bar. because slow or not, these days that bar by itself feels like NOTHING to me. it knocked me on my rear end the first day i tried.

    ETA: oh. one piece of really useful advice that i wish i had had right away. when you're getting ready to start a squat, take in a big breath and hold it until you finish the rep (or at least until you're coming back up). a trainer here told me to imagine i'm doing my squats in a water tank up to my chin. it gives you instant core engagement and helps you to keep your chest up the way it should be. i didn't know that at first, and i thought 'engage your core' meant 'suck in your gut.'

    Thanks! I'll try to remember that!
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,296 Member
    I definitely agree with the squat breathing gig. I felt a lot stronger when I started breathing all proper like.

    That, and don't be scared of the weights. I think a huge part of staying at such a low weight with squats for so long was that I was scared I couldn't do it, would have to make a constipation sound to do it, or that I would hurt myself doing it. The biggest fear being the latter. Then I freakin' sucked it up and just did it...and did it. I know there will come a time when failure is the only option, but it's way less of an intimidating thought than it used to be.
  • breefoshee
    breefoshee Posts: 398 Member
    I'm definitely feeling it today, man! Today will be a protein packed day! I'll probably give myself 2 rest days for now, until I feel like I can do Monday, Wednesday, Friday, type-of-thing.