Introduce Yourself

Mine_Time Posts: 588 Member
Hello Everyone,

I am Anita. I am so excited that you have decided to join this group and walk this path together. We are never alone, especially with us being brother and sister in Christ.

Please take a moment and tell us a little about yourself and request friendship with me if you want. :)

Here are some questions you can answer to help, just answer the ones you want to:
1) What is your first name?
I am Anita.
2) What is your age?
I am 38.
3) Married or single?
4) Kids?
I have 3.
5) How long have you been going on this journey?
I started Jan 2014 did good for 6 months then my father died and now just getting back to it Aug 14, 2014.
6) What was your deciding factor to get this journey?
I got up to 280 which was the weight I was at 10 years ago when I had the gastric bypass surgery done. I was a shame.
7) How much weight do you want to lose or your goal weight?
I want to get to 140 so I want to lose 140 lbs. Half my original body weight.
8) Share anything you would like to share:
I am looking forward to walking this with you all. Feel free to invite your friends.
9) Favorite verse:
Luke 10:19

God bless you all.


  • keya729
    keya729 Posts: 166 Member
    1) What is your first name?
    I am Nakeya

    2) What is your age?
    I am 34

    3) Married or single?

    4) Kids?
    I have 3.

    5) How long have you been going on this journey?
    I started Jan 2013 since then I've been going back and forth with gaining and losing between 5-10lbs. I've recently joined weight watchers again through my job to help with losing the remaining weight.

    6) What was your deciding factor to get this journey?
    I decided that I was no longer going to allow my stress eating to rule my life. Like any marriage my husband and went through a rough patch and I constantly ate non-stop it was like I couldn't get enough to eat. After that we had our last child and I ballooned up to 330lbs!!!

    7) How much weight do you want to lose or your goal weight?
    I want to get down to 190lbs. I know for some that's still putting me in the obese grouping (according BMI) but I'm 5'10" and my body shape is that of someone that's naturally thick it wouldn't look right.

    8) Share anything you would like to share:
    I would like to add that my weakness is chocolate chip cookies. I'm searching now through the WW online site for some healthier cookie recipes.

    9) Favorite verse:
    I have a few but here's one that's sticking out:

    Psalm 55:22
  • Mine_Time
    Mine_Time Posts: 588 Member
    1) What is your first name?
    I am Nakeya

    2) What is your age?
    I am 34

    3) Married or single?

    4) Kids?
    I have 3.

    5) How long have you been going on this journey?
    I started Jan 2013 since then I've been going back and forth with gaining and losing between 5-10lbs. I've recently joined weight watchers again through my job to help with losing the remaining weight.

    6) What was your deciding factor to get this journey?
    I decided that I was no longer going to allow my stress eating to rule my life. Like any marriage my husband and went through a rough patch and I constantly ate non-stop it was like I couldn't get enough to eat. After that we had our last child and I ballooned up to 330lbs!!!

    7) How much weight do you want to lose or your goal weight?
    I want to get down to 190lbs. I know for some that's still putting me in the obese grouping (according BMI) but I'm 5'10" and my body shape is that of someone that's naturally thick it wouldn't look right.

    8) Share anything you would like to share:
    I would like to add that my weakness is chocolate chip cookies. I'm searching now through the WW online site for some healthier cookie recipes.

    9) Favorite verse:
    I have a few but here's one that's sticking out:

    Psalm 55:22

    Thank you so much for sharing. I totally understand stress eating :) and my weakness is gummies anything that is gummy lol gummy bears, worms, what ever LOL I love them. LOL they are my childhood comfort food. :)
  • glammaliscious
    glammaliscious Posts: 5 Member
    1. I am Teri
    2. I am 52
    3. I have been divorced for 10 years
    4. I have one 17 year old son (he lives with his dad about 4 hours away from me)
    5. I have just recently started this journey again. I used in in conjunction with Weight Watchers about 4 years ago and lost about 25 lbs. I want to lose about 75 lbs, so this time I am going to be more involved with groups and being more accountable.
    6. I want to lose about 75 lbs. I weigh more now than I ever have in my life.
    8. I have recently moved from Amarillo, TX to Houston after 38 years. My family has all lived here for the past several years, so it is great to be close to them, but I don't have any friends here yet. I am hoping that by losing weight, I will feel better about myself so that I will be confident to approach the people I would like to be friends with.

    Thank you for starting this group! I am looking forward to the devotionals each day!

    I have many favorite scriptures, II Timothy 4:18
  • poohstixx
    1. I am Gretchen
    2. I am 37
    3. I am divorced, but celebrating a 1-year anniversary with my boyfriend this Friday
    4. I have 3 children. Two boys almost 11 and 8. One girl who is 4.
    5. Today is day 3. I have tried a billion diets and for the most part never could stick to one. I was successful on WW a several years ago and lost 38lbs, but I lost motivation when my grandpa died and gained it all back.
    6. I recently had my annual physical and know I need to make some changes. I'm creeping up to my all-time high and I don't want to be there again. I'm sick of wearing "fat" clothes. I feel uncomfortable in my body right now. I want to feel and look healthy. I want to set a good example for my kids and help improve my family's health.
    7. I want to get to the top of my BMI range, which is 169. I like the sound of 165, but I'll be happy to be in the normal range. That being said, I the last time I was that weight was in junior high! In high school I was 183lbs. I'm 5'9" with a large bone structure, so I'm ok not meeting a number, as long as I am happy with how I look and feel.
    8. I'm afraid of "failing"...again. But, trying to stay positive!
    9. Matthew 19:26 "With God, all things are possible."
  • Mine_Time
    Mine_Time Posts: 588 Member
    Hello Teri and Gretchen,

    You guys are great. I am so excited to work this journey together.

    Teri you don't look 52 lol I will be praying for you to find friends there.

    Gretchen don't be afraid of failing, but you can do this for sure.

    Be Bless!!!
  • mjst_2014
    mjst_2014 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi everyone,

    1) What is your first name?
    2) What is your age?
    I am 32.
    3) Married or single?
    4) Kids?
    I have 2.
    5) How long have you been going on this journey?
    I started July 2014 and am still continuing to meet my challenge head on.
    6) What was your deciding factor to get this journey?
    Role model for my kids.
    7) How much weight do you want to lose or your goal weight?
    I had 45lbs to lose and am nearly there.
    8) Share anything you would like to share:
    I have found and made some really good friends here and hope that we continue to encourage each every step of the way.
    9) Favorite verse:
    Philippians 4:6-7

    God bless you all.
  • 195duck150
    I am happy to be a part of this group. When I started this journey and chose to use myfitnesspal, I decided to choose only one group to join. I like to keep things simple. French fries, onion rings, tater tots and peanut M&Ms have been successfully eliminated from my diet. I'm working on portion control and quality of food. So far, I've lost 16 pounds.

    Here are some questions you can answer to help, just answer the ones you want to:

    1) What is your first name?

    2) What is your age?
    I am 54

    3) Married or single?
    Married 34 years to my high school sweetheart.

    4) Kids?
    I have 2 girls, one son-in-law and one grandson (age 12). Plus, one dog and two cats (they are my kids, too!)

    5) How long have you been going on this journey?
    I started this particular journey on July 13 when I stepped on the scale and it read 202.6.

    6) What was your deciding factor to get this journey?
    Instead of crying because I was over 200 pounds, I told myself "that's it, girl. Get a grip on your eating."

    7) How much weight do you want to lose or your goal weight?
    I want to lose at least 50 pounds. I asked my husband "If I lose 50 pounds and keep it off for a year, can I get a boob lift?" He actually said yes!

    8) Share anything you would like to share:
    I know that God is with me on my journey through life. He touched me and took away an all-consuming rage. He healed my broken soul.

    9) Favorite verse:
    Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
  • Mrsjenningsjr
    Mrsjenningsjr Posts: 149 Member
    I'm a mother of two (and a half - doggie owner), a wife, an ordained minister and Elder of my church. I have re-dedicated myself to good health and purposeful living. I enjoy reading, traveling, fellowship with friends and family.