Zoloft: Does the Insomnia go away?

crymsnroze Posts: 21 Member
I started taking Zoloft last Friday for anxiety/panic and every night since I've had issues staying asleep. I usually find myself waking up around 4-5am.

I also have loss of appetite and almost always the feeling of a small lump in throat like I had when I had anxiety attacks.

Has anyone else had this issue with the medication when they first started taking it and does it go away?


  • ehamommy
    ehamommy Posts: 16 Member
    I wasn't on Zoloft, but found that when I was in Effexor, I had trouble sleeping also. I had been told by my doc to take them before bed (to avoid feeling groggy during the day) I switched to taking them first thing in the morning and it worked like a charm!