Strange question.

kaeli_shay Posts: 11 Member
Does anyone know if you can donate blood after surgery? I am part of a group that does it every few months at work and would like to know if I can still do it.

Thank you!


  • Latse
    Latse Posts: 61 Member
    Some blood banks require 6 months to one year after an operation before you can donate again. My surgeon said so long as my own blood work (vitamin levels) was coming back normal he didn't care if I donated blood. Just remember to stay hydrated.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I don't know why not if you're sufficiently post-op and your blood work is good. I don't knwo if I will try it personally as I gave for the first time a few months prior to surgery and it was fine coming out, but I had a bad reaction several hours later, (nausea, dizziness, almost passing out). I'm kind of afraid to try now that there is less of me to go around, could react worse. :-(