Any special plans for tomorrow night?

KimWW Posts: 301 Member
I am so excited! I can't wait to see Capaldi in action. Anyone doing anything special? Getting a party together? Cooking something Who-themed? Wearing a fez?


  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,763 Member
    Arrrrrrrgh, you brought up the one reason I can't be totally and completely excited for Capaldi (otherwise I TOTALLY am!). A new Doctor is screwing up my Jammy Dodger eating while watching the show ritual!

    Otherwise, no. :tongue:

    I'll be going out for my morning walk, coming home, doing a thing or two on the computer, run errands, and come home to magically find the episode on my computer. :smile:
  • kwiatrtdy
    kwiatrtdy Posts: 383 Member
    I'm working out like crazy today so I can settle down with a pizza and bottle of wine tonight. Sent my other half out to watch the rugby so I've got the TV to myself.