Week 4

caitastic24 Posts: 674 Member
Week 4 starts today. Just a reminder, the last week will extend to Sunday, August 31st. So if you are feeling behind, don't stress it!! You have 10 whole days to get those miles in!

Ride on :-)

~ __0
(*)/ (*)


  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    I'm not stressed, but I am curious to see how many of the remaining 248 miles I can get in this week... I'm a little crazy, and if the century isn't canceled tomorrow there is a teeny tiny chance of making goal... Unfortunately, I also have to fit in 2 days of lifting and a day of running hill repeats according to my coach... So as not to die that means a lot of these miles will be flat (or slow)...
  • wildskies
    wildskies Posts: 129 Member
    rides4sanity: You amaze me with how many you've already done!

    I didn't think I'd have time for a ride today but I managed to sneak one in. Starting the week off with 7.29 miles. 30ish left to do to meet goal.

  • Cycle_pathic
    Cycle_pathic Posts: 172 Member
    Week 1 - 98 Total Miles
    Week 2 - 141 Total Miles
    Week 3 - 94 Total Miles

    8/22 - 19 Miles

    Month to Date Total - 352 / Goal 500 - 70%
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member

    monthly total: 214.42 miles
  • Jannalicious
    Jannalicious Posts: 215 Member
    What a gorgeous evening for a bike ride. Rode 18.38 miles. Had so much fun I'm guessing I'll be doing it again in the morning!!

  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    824-58.15 miles

    monthly total: 272.42 miles
  • wildskies
    wildskies Posts: 129 Member
    3 miles even today. Had planned on more but a drunk driver wiped out a section of my dads business (nobody hurt) so I spent most of the day helping out there.

  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Week 1: 77.1 miles
    Week 2: 96.6 miles
    Week 3: 79.0 Miles... 252.7 Total

    8/22: 15 miles - Spin
    8/23: 100.6 - BBC Club Century
    8/24: 25.8 - Road Ride 202

    Total: 394.1 Miles out of 500... Ughhh 105.9 to go before Sunday...
  • Cycle_pathic
    Cycle_pathic Posts: 172 Member
    Week 1 - 98 Total Miles
    Week 2 - 141 Total Miles
    Week 3 - 94 Total Miles

    8/22 - 19 Miles
    8/23 - 25 Miles
    8/24 - 41 Miles

    Month to Date Total - 418 / Goal 500 - 84%

    Feeling better about making goal after a solid weekend of riding. Looks like I might just get there after all!!
  • sansey
    sansey Posts: 113 Member
    Week 1: 21 miles
    Week 2 104.1 miles
    Week 3 57.7 miles

    8/25 34.4 miles

    Month to date Total 217.2
  • caitastic24
    caitastic24 Posts: 674 Member
    3 miles even today. Had planned on more but a drunk driver wiped out a section of my dads business (nobody hurt) so I spent most of the day helping out there.


    That's terrible!!! I'm so sorry to hear that
  • caitastic24
    caitastic24 Posts: 674 Member
    Week 1 - 98 Total Miles
    Week 2 - 141 Total Miles
    Week 3 - 94 Total Miles

    8/22 - 19 Miles
    8/23 - 25 Miles
    8/24 - 41 Miles

    Month to Date Total - 418 / Goal 500 - 84%

    Feeling better about making goal after a solid weekend of riding. Looks like I might just get there after all!!

    That would be awesome!! Keep up the good work :-)
  • caitastic24
    caitastic24 Posts: 674 Member
    Week 1: 77.1 miles
    Week 2: 96.6 miles
    Week 3: 79.0 Miles... 252.7 Total

    8/22: 15 miles - Spin
    8/23: 100.6 - BBC Club Century
    8/24: 25.8 - Road Ride 202

    Total: 394.1 Miles out of 500... Ughhh 105.9 to go before Sunday...

    I have faith in you :-)
  • caitastic24
    caitastic24 Posts: 674 Member
    So I only got in 5 miles on Sunday. I took 2 days off in a row which isn't good for my hip. Technically I went swimming on Saturday but it does not have the same effect as biking. I'm feeling pretty rundown but I'm hoping to get in some more miles after work tonight.
  • Jannalicious
    Jannalicious Posts: 215 Member
    Monday, August 25th is a beautiful day in Pennsylvania for a bike ride. Soooooooo. I rode 25.84 miles!! I'm not going to reach my goal of 500 miles for August. If I break 300 I'll be happy! Keep Pedalin' my friends ????

  • sleepy_mum
    sleepy_mum Posts: 40 Member
    Hi all!

    Sorry I've been a bit slack at updating my miles :-( a bit of a flare with my ME and Fibro stopped me getting out for a while but I'm hanging on in there!

    Week 1:
    Aug 3rd - 8.6 miles
    Aug 4th - 10.0 miles
    Aug 5th - 4.7 miles

    Week 2:
    No rides :-(

    Week 3:
    Aug 18th - 8.2 miles
    Aug 21st - 0.9 miles

    Week 4:
    Aug 23rd - 10.1 miles

    So that's 42.2 miles towards my 50 done with 5 days to go and a planned ride tomorrow!

  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    8/24-58.15 miles
    8/25-19.7 miles

    monthly total: 292.12 miles
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Week 1: 77.1 miles
    Week 2: 96.6 miles
    Week 3: 79.0 Miles... 252.7 Total

    8/22: 15 miles - Spin
    8/23: 100.6 - BBC Club Century
    8/24: 25.8 - Road Ride 202
    8/25: 39.2 - Getting a little weary..

    Total: 433.3 Miles out of 500... 66.7 to go before Sunday... Heck that is almost reasonable!
  • Cycle_pathic
    Cycle_pathic Posts: 172 Member
    Week 1 - 98 Total Miles
    Week 2 - 141 Total Miles
    Week 3 - 94 Total Miles

    8/22 - 19 Miles
    8/23 - 25 Miles
    8/24 - 41 Miles
    8/25 - 13 Miles

    Month to Date Total - 431 / Goal 500 - 86%
  • wildskies
    wildskies Posts: 129 Member
    3 miles even today. Had planned on more but a drunk driver wiped out a section of my dads business (nobody hurt) so I spent most of the day helping out there.


    That's terrible!!! I'm so sorry to hear that

    Thanks. It could have been a whole lot worse. It's a big mess but nothing some work won't fix and insurance won't take care of.

    8/22 - 7.29
    8/24 - 3.0
    8/25 - 4.25
    8/26 - 3.35
    Total - 81.19/100

    I *might* just make it!