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Mine_Time Posts: 588 Member
So if you got anything you would like to share. Please post here.

I will start it off: Tonight was a big night for me. I was rebaptized. I had been baptized before my divorce but after my divorce and being hurt by the church. I was angry and turned from God for a while. I did things I never thought I would do and have had a hard time forgiving myself. Some of the reason I gain all this weight and struggle so much with it. So tonight I let it go and forgave myself for what I had done. No more will I think badly of myself for mistakes I have made. So I just wanted to share with you a special moment in my life. Be bless.


  • keya729
    keya729 Posts: 166 Member
    sorry just reading this..

    That's awesome!! I know you feel 100% better.
  • keya729
    keya729 Posts: 166 Member
    Breaking Strongholds


    “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.”
    (2 Corinthians 10:4, NKJV)

    TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

    Scripture tells us that there is a battle going on in our minds. Our thoughts dictate our actions. That’s why the enemy will do everything he can to get you thinking in the wrong direction. Sometimes, it’s not our own thoughts that are holding us back; sometimes it’s that we’ve believed the negative things that other people have spoken. Those words are like seeds. If you dwell on them long enough, they’ll take root and become reality.
    In life, there will always be people telling you what cannot be done, speaking negative things. Too often we latch on to those negative words and develop what the scripture calls a “stronghold.” That’s a wrong thought or action that keeps us from God’s best. The way you break those negative strongholds is by rejecting the lie, forgiving the person, and embracing the truth of God’s Word. In other words, you have to choose to delete that negative file in your mind.
    Today, why don’t you take inventory of your thought life? Ask yourself, “Where did these thoughts come from? Do they line up with what God says about me?” Break the negative strongholds and embrace God’s truth so you can be all that God has called you to be!


    Father, today I choose to reject negative thoughts. I choose to reject lies from the past. I break every stronghold through the power of Your Word and embrace Your truth which sets me free in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    — Joel & Victoria Osteen
  • Mine_Time
    Mine_Time Posts: 588 Member
    Thats very good thank you for sharing.
  • twiggysunshine
    twiggysunshine Posts: 18 Member
    I'm so happy for you. That is wonderful!
  • twiggysunshine
    twiggysunshine Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for sharing that.
  • Mine_Time
    Mine_Time Posts: 588 Member
    Okay, so I have a friend that gave me a workout plan for the next 30 days. Can I just say ouch LOL I have always just used the machines for my workout but she has me doing body weight training and I have to say it is kicking my butt but in a good way lol. :) If you haven't done the body weight training you need to had it to your routine. LOL
  • Mine_Time
    Mine_Time Posts: 588 Member
    So over a year ago I realized I was addicted to sugar and food. I started to go to a group call Celebrate Recovery, it is like a Christian AA. But it is much more then that, they deal with all addiction and codependency. If interested you can usually find a group any where in the USA.

    Anyways, it has taken me over a year to actually start to go through the books. I have been scared what I would find out about myself. Most addictions were started because of pain. Wanted to cover up the pain some how. Which then we used the addiction for other things also, but pain is the main. So now I am starting the process to deal with the pain instead of covering it up. To get to the root.

    I have forgiven the people that have hurt me, but I am dealing with the side affects of it. The food addiction being one, feeling ugly, used, unwanted and broken. It is going to take time. But I want to get to the root and the reason behind my food addiction so I don't find myself back up where I started.