Talked to a PT this morning, I have a couple of questions



  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185

    This! My gym just hired a whole bunch of new trainers and they were just swarming around all the people working out yesterday. This one super obnoxious guy cornered me in the rack and spent my entire workout bombarding me with questions about SL5x5, pestering me about why I did it, and telling me it only did half the job and I still needed a trainer to really see results, how iI need to add in accessories, blah blah blah. So annoying-I'm not gonna pay you dude, so just leave me alone. Took me like a good 20 minutes longer to do my workout cause he wouldn't stop talking and I couldn't get rid of him!

    Oh my gosh!!

    I have had two PT sessions with the trainer at a local powerlifting gym. He had some ideas, totally respected my ideas, and when it was all said and done, he didn't even charge me for the sessions. I'm so glad I had been on here enough, and read enough horror stories about PTs that I sought out someone like that. Totally worth the money that he should have charged me :)

    People with any kind of bodybuilding background, seem to have a really hard time losing the isolation exercise mentality. My partner, who is doing 5x5 with me, just cannot let go of the idea that we should be doing different kind of bench press exercises to "isolate different parts of the chest". He refuses to drive with his legs. Its funny. Glad hes not my PT, lol.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Pretty much! At the end when I could finally escape he's like ok, see you Wednesday?! Uhhh no thanks-if he's annoying again on Wednesday we're gonna have a problem!

    tell on him . . . honest. or at least tell him that you don't want to hear his **** and he'd better leave you alone. what the hell makes him think you're paying money to be hounded by someone like him? if you were in a restaurant and a waiter was undermining your meal choice so he could upsell you some kind of personal nutrition service, would you put up with it?

    i can't wait to hear the update. i almost want him to go ahead and make everyone's (wednes)day for us :laugh:
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    bear in mind that most PTs will try and talk you out of 5x5 as they want you to hire them and run their programme, its just business.

    Do what you want to do, and if you have questions on form post a video on the form check post, plenty of knowledgeable women on here to help you correct any issues :bigsmile:
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Ok, update.
    I had my short consultation with the PT this morning. He gave me some tips for improving my form on the bench press and squat (all we had time for). I'm going to research this and see if it agrees with other advice out there. He gave me some advice on nutrition and the best thing was he did some stretches on me which kind of released some tightness in my legs.

    He did push me to try some different things, namely to do a front barbell squat (have I got that right?) and to use a different area of the gym for doing the bench press (i.e. not in the squat rack, but on a bench set up with the larger, longer 45lb barbell - he didn't believe me that there are a couple of 35lb barbells in the room, which I prefer to use).

    The best thing was talking to someone else interested in weight-lifting. Made me reflect how, for me, it's all been online support and discussion so far.