An alternative to Chemo

Is anyone here using this type of diet instead of having Chemo and Radiotherapy?

I am still waiting for the results of the tests to find the primary cancer. It was in my
lymph node, which has been removed.

I have watched lots of videos online about getting the body to use fat as fuel as
opposed to sugar and cases of this type of diet starving the cancer cells.

I would be interested to hear of your thoughts and experiences.



  • stillhere1981
    stillhere1981 Posts: 119 Member
    You can't starve cancer cells. It's impossible. They will get their sugar either from the food you eat or your other cells that store it. There are a lot of people who promote BS "cures" on the internet. If you want to supplement traditional therapy with diet, supplements and/or other alternatives that's OK (just run everything by your doctor). My doctor's stance is as long is it doesn't hurt or interfere with treatment, then it's fine (although he won't say anything definitely helps because he can't). I go to an acupuncturist and take some additional vitamins and herbs and I think they help a lot with the side effects to the chemo. Don't eschew chemo and/or radiation if you need it. There's no mass conspiracy to hide the cure to cancer. Pharma execs, cancer researchers and politicians (and their families) sometimes get cancer too.

    Be your own advocate, but you really need to listed to your doctors. They actually do have your best interest in mind.
  • stillhere1981
    stillhere1981 Posts: 119 Member
    Here's another one. I really really want to stress that you should ignore anyone on the internet who is touting some miracle cure. There really is no such thing. Cancer treatment sucks BIG TIME, but unfortunately it's something we have to just go through. Good luck, hang in there and take it one day at a time.