August 26th

I thought I would start as not a post here yet for today.

One of the things i really like about when I get back to eating healthy again is how much more I enjoy my food. While in depths of my food addiction behaviour I drown myself in thousands of surplus calories that barely even get tasted. The desperation to cram it all in takes over and in reality I hardly enjoyed it at all.

Now I really like appreciating the natural flavours of my foods and I get to enjoy what I eat without the desperate rushed craving.
How are you finding the way you enjoy your food has changed? Are you enjoying your food more now or are you in a battle not to give in to cravings ? Have your food desires and tastes changed ?


  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    I can say this for 146 days. I have never not enjoyed what I have been eating. You should enjoy what you eat and I am. I think thats one of the things that has made it easy to stick with.

    Yes, real food tastes better. Whenever I give in and have something fast, or processed I usually enjoy it less and can taste the difference. Same thing with giving up soda for the most part. I can't stand diet anymore and when I occasionally have one i tend to go with something that has real sugar (if I'm going to use empty calories it might as well taste good). I've also become much more sensitive to salt, but thats nothing new.\

    My digestive tract also appreciates ti a lot more. Pleasant pooping is always the way to go.
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Salty things taste a lot saltier now for sure. I still have a sweet tooth and love deserts but if I decide I have the cals or it is an occasion when I can indulge I find I cannot eat as much of a sweet thing as I used to. For example I could happily eat a huge fudgy brownie with ice cream and cream and syrup etc all to myself. Now even when I can eat it, I still end up sharing the really sweet stuff, or if at the in laws having a smaller portion. I don't deep fry and rarely order deep fried stuff, but again if it happens I notice the taste of the fat a lot more. But I won't pretend it puts me off lol
  • wennim
    wennim Posts: 276 Member
    I love chocolate and ice cream. Since I have made changes to my diet I can't handle as much of sweet items. I couldn't finish the single scoop of chocolate frozen custard I splurged on the other day. I still enjoy food but I am finding it easier to consume smaller portions and better for me preparations (grilled vs fried). A couple of times I have tried a bite of something someone else was having that were my old favorites and really didn't enjoy it...the greasy feel in my mouth, the way it coated my tongue etc.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    How are you finding the way you enjoy your food has changed? Are you enjoying your food more now or are you in a battle not to give in to cravings ? Have your food desires and tastes changed ?


    I am cooking more, and I find that I enjoy my foods, but I still crave fast food, and the unhealthier dishes I used to make (and will make again when I can afford more)... I eat ice cream regularly, but I don't do syrups and such much anymore (didn't really before either). I find that I'm more sensitive to some greases...

    We had smoked sausage the other, and the grease was so bad it made me queasy. Couldn't finish it. But the buttered (well, margarined...), grilled French bread? That I did fine.... UGH.

    I wish I could get back to being able to afford decent food. Right now, with my bank being totally busted, I find it almost impossible to eat decently at we end up with things like smoked sausage. But I did make a nice dirty rice the other day...ended up being high in sodium, but had mushrooms, green bell peppers, tomatoes, and black beans in it...

    I enjoy the better, healthier foods more, but due to thyroid imbalance and sweet/salty addictions, I can't break the cycle of salt cravings (I believe it is the iodine I'm craving, but iodine drops are $20/bottle...). Sweet, I'm doing a little better with since I can't afford anything!! LOL I still crave it, but I'm doing sugar free creamer in my coffee, and that really seems to help.

    Even when I was eating healthier, trying to go low carb per doctor's instructions was really difficult. I craved sweets and breads constantly. I gave in and the cycle renewed. Working to avoid that again, but it is just so hard!!!! I look forward to the days I have some of the food aversion successes below...

    But Natasha, I'm a lot like what you said - even when something makes me feel really bad or queasy or whatever, my body won't understand the signal. I still crave things, even when they are bad for me and make me feel bad! I wish one of these times I got super queasy from eating sweets that my brain would make the connection and let me go!!!

    Hugs, Carly