Should I really delaod?

So, I have "failed" my OHP 3 times now at 95. Though, I am failing much less and want to keep plugging away at it. Today I did 4/5/4/4/4 which seemed pretty great to me, especially since I did a bunch of push presses two days ago. I *could* go to 92 and a half, but I don't want to. lol. Any harm in just keeping on at this weight? The SL ap wants me to go down to 85, but you know how OHP seems to be for us ladies..... its easy until BAM its impossible. 85 feels like nothing.


  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    I stalled at 80 and got progressively better, ALMOST getting 80 but did the deload. Yeah the other weights were easy, but now I'm at 85 and I think the deload helped my form as well.
  • Shtallionchick14
    Shtallionchick14 Posts: 61 Member
    It's more about helping you continue to progress. If you don't deload now, you're just going to get stuck on the next week. Going down will give you 3 workouts to progress to 100 and let you get stronger in the meantime.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    I failed at bench AND rows today (win!). The app told me to take 10 pounds off each even though I got mostly fives, my form just started to get weird. At first my thought was to go against the advice but I think I'm going to just trust to program and deload even though the lower weight will feel easy. I think it will help me get my form down and help me nail it when I get the weight back up.

    As a similar situation, my squats were stuck at 85 lbs (a.k.a. not good) before I did strong lifts. I trusted the program and dropped it to 45 lbs and added 5 lbs each workout even though it was easy. Now 85 lbs is a breeze!