Hello newbie

Hello I just started my adipex 2 days ago and so far I'm doing good. Just couldn't sleep the first night. Anyone else still doing adipex?


  • IamKitreenaGayle
    Hey everyone! My name is Kitreena. I have been on Adipex since March. I was 220lbs and am now 172. Thats 48lbs in 6 months. It takes hard work and at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.

    Adipex isnt a magic pill, but it sure helps! :)
  • Teresa527
    Teresa527 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new here as well. I just started Adipex yesterday. So far I'm having a good experience. I have no negative side effects. I don't even have the common ones like dry mouth or trouble sleeping.
    I have more energy, and I feel like my head is more clear, if that makes sense.

    I really hope this works for me. I typically have the toughest time losing weight. I lost about 40 lbs 3 years ago. In the past year I have gained 30 of it back. I have struggled so much and even counting calories and exercising wasn't helping and I kept gaining. I would have perfect weeks, like 6 weeks, at a time and lose nothing. Then I'd go off plan for a couple of weeks and quickly gain. It was a maddening cycle until I managed to almost gain all the weight back. :(

    I saw my doctor to have my thyroid checked and she said it came back in the "normal" range, yet barely. So she offered Adipex to hopefully help.

    I believe that your body has a set point weight that it constantly tries to get to. If you're overweight for years that becomes your new set point. I think you have to lose weight and be there for a long time for it to become your new set point or else it is very easy for you to gain weight back. Anyway, that's just something that I believe and makes so much sense to me. :)
  • mandimahoney5
    I am. I started sept 1. Lost 15 in my first mo. Then last week I was crazy sick so didn't take my pills. So had a week ohh of them and restarted again this past Saturday.
    my doc gave me a 2 month prescription that will last me until Dec. She said to come back for a check up if I want more. So I think I will wait until January and give my self the 2-3 weeks off the med since after a while your body gets use to it.

    All I can say is Fiber one cereal and bars!! Yah constipation side effect sucks