Finding a 500 lbs bathroom scale is really hard to find

dhaemon Posts: 110 Member
And afford

Any ideas?


    DJLMB Posts: 43 Member
    That sounds like a nightmare! I thought it was tricky getting hold of the WW one, but that only goes up to 28st/392lb.

    It might feel a bit degrading, but if there's no other way I did hear about a guy asking a local scrap metal place if he could use their scale for free once a month, just to keep track until he was light enough for a cheapish one at home?

    Hopefully someone will come along with a better suggestion though! :)
  • xael1234
    xael1234 Posts: 51 Member
    I found one on amazon. It matched the dr office perfectly. Let me look it up, it was only like $24 I believe
  • xael1234
    xael1234 Posts: 51 Member
    If the link doesn't work it's the jobar talking scale and it's $26 and change. I've had it a few months and works fine so far. Like I said I was at dr the other day and it matched perfect
  • dhaemon
    dhaemon Posts: 110 Member
    Thanks for the advice so far.
    I'm not 500 lbs, But I'm over 440 lbs. which is the limit of the one we have home.
    The Jobar International one looks temping!

    Thank you.
  • dhaemon
    dhaemon Posts: 110 Member
    If the link doesn't work it's the jobar talking scale and it's $26 and change. I've had it a few months and works fine so far. Like I said I was at dr the other day and it matched perfect

    Just ordered it from the Shopping channel. Thank you very much!
  • krmsotherhalf68
    krmsotherhalf68 Posts: 122 Member
    Here's the link to a place that has them starting at around $42.