April 2015 Due Date Club

TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
Welcome to the April 2015 Due Date Club!

How are you feeling?

What are your nutrition and exercise goals for this pregnancy?

What are you doing to stay motivated?

I learned the hard way from my last pregnancy to listen to my body and not overdo it, so one of my goals this time is to cut myself some slack if my body is asking for it. I had very big fitness and nutrition ambitions last time, and I think I put too much pressure on myself to accomplish them. The extreme nausea, exhaustion, and the aches and pains put a reality check on those ambitions, and all that pressure on myself made me feel even worse than I already did. After the birth, my fitness level eventually returned and I lost most of the weight (still nursing now, so I think my body hung on to some of it). Knowing that gives me a lot more confidence to take things slowly--if necessary-- this time around.


  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member

    I'm hoping to gain as little as possible this time. I had my last baby in April this year (he's only 18 weeks!!) and I gained about 20lbs because I didn't exercise and ate loads. Unfortunately I hadn't managed to lose any of that before I got pregnant again, so I really have to be careful this time round.

    I say all that, but I've eaten really badly so far. I get quite anaemic during pregnancy and I struggle with iron tablets. I get so tired I can't bear the thought of exercise and end up comfort eating. That's no excuse I know, but I'm using it.

    I've decided to try eating 'cleaner'. I hate the whole clean eating thing, but I'm going to stop counting calories and aim to cut out all the junk food. I'm also going to increase my fitbit step goal from 15000 to 20000 a day, try swimming once a week and body weight exercises for as long as possible. Starting Monday :P

    If you want to add me, I could do with the occasional kick!!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    So excited to be "in the club". It felt like we tried forever for baby #3!

    I'm due April 18th, but usually deliver in the 39th week so probably looking at mid April. I've got two rambunctious toddlers at home BigBrother (3) and LittleMan (1). I'm working full time and have permission from my OB to continue losing weight (or not if I decide not to... she said weight isn't a big deal to her) during this pregnancy as long as baby is measuring fine. We'll see what happens - so far I've felt horrible nausea and eating is the only way to keep it at bay ... luckily I haven't thrown up yet, but I'm eating junk to avoid it.

    Oh well! Babies are worth it!
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    I am excited too! This is my second pregnancy, but hopefully will be my first child. We had some horrible news in the middle of my first pregnancy and my son did not make it. This time around, I am hoping to stay fitter, maybe eat less carbs (most vegetables tasted off to me last time) and be healthy. Although this morning, my usual smoothie literally tasted like vomit (my husband and step daughter assured me everything was fine since they were drinking it oo). I am very anxious for this one becuase we thought everything was going well last time, and when it didn't, I felt like I should have known. I am trying to focus on the things that I have control over and not the things I don't.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Ugh, the nausea starting kicking in over the past few days and I've started eating more than I want to of things I don't really want to be eating. It's hard to watch yourself gain weight when you don't want to eat the stuff that's making you gain weight. Do I want to be drinking ginger ale? NO! Do I want to be eating toast for breakfast instead of my usual plain Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and nuts? NO! Do I want to be pigging out on lasagna? Ok, that one's a yes, but I definitely wouldn't have taken a second helping last Monday!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    I feel your pain Laser!
  • brilliantwords
    brilliantwords Posts: 97 Member
    This is my first pregnancy and I am 10 weeks today! Due April 3rd. :)

    Always looking for friends!

    I'm actually feeling great considering I thought I'd be a mess. I had bad nausea for week 6 & 7, then it seemed to ease off. I still get an episode of nausea 1-2 times per week and I just take ginger capsules when it hits and I'm back to normal. It is also exaggerated when I'm in a car when I don't normally get motion sickness that easy.

    Part of me is concerned that the nausea and food aversions passed rather early. Someone in my family didn't know UNTIL her first ultrasound near 12 weeks that the baby had not developed past 7 weeks, then miscarried. My first ultrasound is in two weeks, so I'm hoping that'll give me peace of mind that I need. In retrospect, she had realized her nausea had subsided. So this is always a concern in the back of my head.

    I still am fatigued and struggle through night shifts like NEVER before and INSANELY bloated! Other than that, I couldn't ask for things to be going much smoother. :) My fitness goal is to consistenty workout 5-6x per week like before, and to eat healthily. I don't want to use this as an excuse to overindulge and eat more than needed for nutrition for baby and I. I am 50 lbs overweight, so I hope not to gain more than 15 lbs in total. I better be careful because most of this will be in 2nd & 3rd trimester, and I've gained about 3 lbs to date. That is from the crazy sugar cravings I was having and giving into for the past couple weeks. I decided to stop that a few days ago and stay healthy. it was making me feel worse. This is not the time to slack off on my health. :)

    How are all of you doing so far!?
  • ganzelly
    ganzelly Posts: 302 Member
    I wouldn't worry about not having too much nausea, some women don't have any at all (lucky) and some are plagued with it throughout. I am almost 14 weeks now and only had nausea for about 2 weeks and for the most part it was only a few hours a day, not all day. I'm considering myself one of the lucky ones, I've still been able to keep up with my workouts almost like normal and eating relatively normal (except for the cravings, early it was peanut butter and marshmallow fluff, then carbs, now protein).
    I'm due March 6, so just about a month before you.

    Good luck with your pregnancy journey.

    edited to add- this is my first also, so I have no idea what to expect, but I was also a bit worried about the lack of nausea so did a little research on it.
    This is my first pregnancy and I am 10 weeks today! Due April 3rd. :)

    Always looking for friends!

    I'm actually feeling great considering I thought I'd be a mess. I had bad nausea for week 6 & 7, then it seemed to ease off. I still get an episode of nausea 1-2 times per week and I just take ginger capsules when it hits and I'm back to normal. It is also exaggerated when I'm in a car when I don't normally get motion sickness that easy.

    Part of me is concerned that the nausea and food aversions passed rather early. Someone in my family didn't know UNTIL her first ultrasound near 12 weeks that the baby had not developed past 7 weeks, then miscarried. My first ultrasound is in two weeks, so I'm hoping that'll give me peace of mind that I need. In retrospect, she had realized her nausea had subsided. So this is always a concern in the back of my head.

    I still am fatigued and struggle through night shifts like NEVER before and INSANELY bloated! Other than that, I couldn't ask for things to be going much smoother. :) My fitness goal is to consistenty workout 5-6x per week like before, and to eat healthily. I don't want to use this as an excuse to overindulge and eat more than needed for nutrition for baby and I. I am 50 lbs overweight, so I hope not to gain more than 15 lbs in total. I better be careful because most of this will be in 2nd & 3rd trimester, and I've gained about 3 lbs to date. That is from the crazy sugar cravings I was having and giving into for the past couple weeks. I decided to stop that a few days ago and stay healthy. it was making me feel worse. This is not the time to slack off on my health. :)

    How are all of you doing so far!?
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi Everyone! We're pregnant with Kate Middleton, and sources are predicting she's due in April with us! I was pregnant when she was last time, and it was fun to see all of her maternity wear choices (sigh... I wish I looked as amazing as she did!). It's sad she has hyperemesis gravidarum, though.

    How's everyone doing? I've been feeling a low grade ick and the exhaustion has definitely kicked it up a notch. It doesn't help that this is an extremely busy work week with a loooong out of state day trip tomorrow... argh. But I'm just grateful it's not as bad as it was last time during this week of pregnancy. There was no way I'd have even been able to work.
  • lebafit
    lebafit Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone
    I am 11 weeks along with my first one due April 4. It's been good so far, just some headaches and a little bit of nausea especially between 7am and 10 am. Also lost my appetite from 6 to 8 weeks, but it's back now. I am a fitness buff and tend to gain weight really quickly if i am not watching my diet especially carb intake, and when i do not exercise. A little worried about gaining too much weight but focused on eating healthy and exercising. Glad to have found this group...wish you all guys the best...xoxo
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi lebafit! Welcome to the group! With my first pregnancy, I gained a bunch of weight really fast because I was a carb & sweets queen -those were the only foods I could stomach that would take the edge off of my four-month-long intense nausea! I hated eating like that, but I really felt like I had no other options. I continued to work out despite the terrible fatigue and nausea because I was afraid of the weight gain and I felt like I had to prove that pregnant women could still work out intensely. In retrospect, I think it made me feel worse.

    I was about 10 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight (and not overweight) 15 months later (and still breastfeeding, which can keep the weight on) when we decided to go for #2. My takeaway from my first pregnancy is that I am not going to do anything that makes me feel worse than I already feel. I am going to sleep as much as I need (or as much as I can get with a toddler around). I am not going to intentionally eat badly, but I am not going to feel bad about eating what I need to eat in order to get through the nausea. I am an avid exerciser usually, but I am not going to exercise while I feel terrible. I am not going to worry about weight gain -whatever I gain, I'll gain because that's what my baby needs. I think there's too much pressure on pregnant women to not gain, to exercise all the time, to eat right even when they can't, and too much pressure to get back to where you were soon after the birth. My first experience has shown me that it takes as long as it takes, and if you lead a healthy overall lifestyle, your body and your baby will be fine.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    I'm with you TheLaser. I talked to my doctor early on this time about continuing to lose weight during this pregnancy, but ultimately my nausea is making eating healthy and working out impossible. I'm definitely less sick than I was last time, but DANG it still sucks. And with a 3 & 1 year old at home. It's kind of a nightmare when it kicks in.
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    Reading these posts makes me feel better...I went from barely eating a couple of weeks ago because everything was awful to now, eating, but not necessarily the best things. I can stomach some salad with lots of dressing (used to barely put any on), love certain carbs, but not others, and I am hungry all the time, no matter what I eat. I have eaten more meat in the past week that I have previously in the past month. Currently drinking tea at my desk and eating some cheddar pretzel combos that I have hidden in my desk. I am so tired all the time, that I just don't have energy to exercise. I had a hard time opening a new jar of salsa yesterday because I did not have the strength or energy to do it. I was home alone, and finally banged that jar on the counter out of sheer frustration...then tried and it opened!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    I slept and rested a ton this weekend, and today the nausea seemed better (not the exhaustion, though... still walking around with a fog in my brain!). I think in my case the nausea is tied to exhaustion, so the more I can sleep, the better. I did also eat/drink a lot of ginger-y things today, so maybe that also helped. Has anyone else seen this connection?

    Also, for all of you second-time (or more) around preggers, do you feel a lot more cramping? I felt nothing with #1, but this time it feels like a stadium doing a wave across my stomach. I can actually see it moving, which is a little creepy because the baby's the size of a raspberry and definitely not (directly) the cause.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    I think I was most crampy with my second. But there have been moments that I've felt really crampy this time too.

    I'm having phantom scents lately. This morning I smell fresh mint everywhere. I think I'm craving a mint lemonade. But the only place that make one local is 30 minutes away and I don't have time to go there for lunch.

    I feel sick starting around 9 AM and it culminates in throwing up every night before bed. After that I feel fine and can go to sleep. I'm 9 weeks and still sleeping on my stomach. I'm dreading the day I cant do that anymore.

    Sorry if that was random... its how my mind works in the early weeks.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Almonds, some kind of unhealthy ginger thing (ginger "beer," gin-gins hard candies, etc), and meat: these are, sadly, my daily staples. It's disgusting, but it's all I can stomach right now. May this nausea and exhaustion end soon so that I can go back to eating other things! (Although last time, I never really felt right digestively until a week or so postpartum!) The first tri is all about survival.
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    Well it has finally happened! I can't drink Coffee! I gagged on it the other day. I have been having some black tea the past couple of mornings, and although it has some caffeine in it, my head is pounding like a B!^&H! I feel like it is going to split in 2! This is not helping my nausea one bit! On another note, I enjoyed some yummy pancakes for dinner last night. Not the most nutritious, but then again, whatever!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    I get to hear the heartbeat in a few hours! My mom called last night and asked if she can go with me. I love that even though it is baby number 3 she is still just as excited as she was the first time.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Awww, that is so sweet of your mom! A new grandchild is still a new grandchild -doesn't matter if it's the first or the tenth, I'm sure! I wish my mom were alive to share in my joy, but I know she is with us in other ways. I have another week until my heartbeat appointment -can't wait!

    After a few days with some ups and downs --very low lows and then moments when I had energy and was feeling ok-- I woke up today knowing that I could not make it into work. Exhausted, nauseated -I feel like I am going to throw up every time I stand. The weird thing is that last pregnancy was so much worse, but knowing that doesn't make this feeling any easier. What makes it easier this time around, however, is knowing that the nausea will likely end in a few weeks.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    I can totally relate. No matter how horrible my previous pregnancies were (HG, pubic bone issues, heartburn) - this one still fells almost unbearable sometimes. I've been throwing up 5-7 times a day. My doctor gave me a new medicine to use this time around because zofran didn't help with my first two. Feeling hopeful that with medical intervention I might be able to get past the extreme nausea and vomiting.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    That sounds absolutely miserable! If I had HG, I'm pretty sure that child would be an only child! I have a lot of respect for you for doing this a third time, and with two little ones at home to chase after! Wow.

    Just need to vent for a second: I have a friend on this website who is pregnant and has been able to keep very active her whole pregnancy. Which is awesome. I wish so badly I could do that and I tried so hard last pregnancy. One of her friends commented on some workout she was doing and how great it is that she isn't "acting like something is wrong" like other pregnant women do. I'm sure I'm being extra sensitive with all these first tri hormones, but really? So extreme nausea and HG are an act? My appendicitis and subsequent operation were an act? Heartburn and insomnia are an act? I just wish women would stop universalizing about their own glowing pregnancy experiences because treating these symptoms like they are all in our heads is cruel.