September Goals!



  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member

    1) Log daily
    2) 5x5 3x/week
    3) Train properly for Avengers 5K and Half Marathon (11/15 and 11/16)

    I did the Disneyland 10K and Half Marathon this past weekend, so have taken about a week off from 5x5. I last lifted the Wednesday before, then ran Sat/Sun and was at Disneyland still on Monday. Should have gotten up to lift this morning but did not make it! So, I'll be coming back to 5x5 probably Friday. Should I still try to increase my weights or repeat my last workout(s) before trying to go up again?

    I started about a month ago and still feel strong on squats, may be able to add a bit more to bench, but really close (if not already) to max for overhead press...

    How exciting!! I was at Disneyland Wed-Friday. It was my daughter's 21 birthday on Thursday. We didn't do the 5k, 10k or half marathon but would love to next time.
  • moniker_74
    moniker_74 Posts: 16 Member

    How exciting!! I was at Disneyland Wed-Friday. It was my daughter's 21 birthday on Thursday. We didn't do the 5k, 10k or half marathon but would love to next time.

    It is really fun! Lots of crazy but very friendly people. Races start SUPER early (5:30) but thank goodness because it was HOT. Looking forward to cooler temps in November for Avengers!
  • SkepticalOwl
    SkepticalOwl Posts: 223 Member
    -- break through my OHP stall - I'm stuck at 50 lbs
    -- squat 120 with good form (did 5 x 5 @ 95 today)
    -- deadlift 130 (did 1 x5 @ 115 today)
    -- get closer to figuring out what's going on with my weight/what maintenance calories are going to be for me.
  • berlys
    I have not been able to start the SL5x5 yet. We still have two weeks of our program left to do. If I was by myself, I would have started it already.
    My September goals are to finish my lifting program I'm on, keep up with the 100 travel crossfit workouts 5x a week, start with paleo eating, and lose 1 more inch in my stomach. I'd be happy with just 1 less inch.
    Very excited to start on SL5x5! It sounds like a great program!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    super new! *waves*

    hey :smile: nice to see you. be looking for your workouts on the daily-update thread.
  • ohiotubagal
    ohiotubagal Posts: 190 Member
    Brand new to this group, and on week 2 of SL!

    Goals for Sept:

    1. Continue SL 5x5 3x/week
    2. Run 3 days/week - 2 30 minute runs and 1 long run
    3. Increase the amount of protein I eat
  • laceynwilliams
    laceynwilliams Posts: 27 Member
    We're a week into September... how is everyone doing? For my part, I wound up deloading on squat to work on form, so I won't hit the triple digit squat goal. That's now an end of year goal for me.

    I'm definitely going to hit 65# bench press this month-- I did 60# on my last workout.

    I have done yoga every day. Love the Yoga Studio app for that! I tried the Erin Motz challenge, but I'm just really liking Yoga Studio, so I'm sticking with that.

    My diet goal has gotten off track. I'm up to 132.2 this morning, and have been beer-drinking my calories. This week, I'm cutting out alcohol and recommitting to weighing everything. You can't out-cardio fat!
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    This month my goals are:

    1. Squatting 200
    2. Deadlifting 170
    3. Maintaining my other gains, maybe increasing
    4. Working on balance to get more fat off
  • laceynwilliams
    laceynwilliams Posts: 27 Member
    I missed my first day of yoga yesterday :( And I didn't even forget. I was tired, on the sofa watching "True Blood," and made a conscious choice not to yoga.

    Shows how much our own conscious choices, every damn day, are a huge part of reaching our goals. I won't reach my original goal now, but I can make a new one: Do yoga for the REST of the days.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    Squat bodyweight which should happen this week.

    Get OHP to 65 lbs 5x5 and not break myself.

    Deadlift 200 lbs. Might be a little ambitious but I think it's possible. I've been progressing as planned and haven't struggled much at all.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    I missed my first day of yoga yesterday :( And I didn't even forget. I was tired, on the sofa watching "True Blood," and made a conscious choice not to yoga.

    Shows how much our own conscious choices, every damn day, are a huge part of reaching our goals. I won't reach my original goal now, but I can make a new one: Do yoga for the REST of the days.

    Doing something every single day is very hard. Don't beat yourself up :-) An evening parked on the couch in front of the TV does the body good.
  • hobbeskastiel
    hobbeskastiel Posts: 221 Member
    Hmm, this looked interesting so I joined. I've been doing 5x5 for a while. Currently I do:

    Body weight squats - doing the 200 squats challenge, at week 3. To heavy to add extra weight. Want to keep progressing on this.
    Bench press - 100 lbs. Would like to add at least 5 lbs.
    OHP - 60 bs.Would like to go to 65 or 70.
    Push ups - doing the 100 push ups challenge ( on an incline) Week 3. Goal is to keep going.
    Drink more water and less diet soda
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    How did everyone do in September then? Here's my review.
    Strength goal: This is going to the top of my priorities now, meaning that cardio and eating have to take supporting roles. I want to take advantage of the new calories to really push myself and see some increases in these early 5x5 days. I feel too uninformed for more specific goals. Taking it a day at a time.
    Cardio goal: Got to reduce this. I'm feeling tired too much of the time. Aim for quality over quantity in terms of Spin.

    I definitely made strength training my priority, I cut down on cardio and focused on eating better for building muscle.
    Eating goal: I've made some real improvements to my food choices. I want to maintain this whilst working away from home a lot. I'm also traversing the tricky move from calorie deficit to finding my maintenance. Keep taking it steady and slow.

    My main problem has been under-eating when away from home and surrounded by pretty poor food choices. I was too wary, overestimated food and underestimated exercise. It led to me losing a bit of weight whilst actually trying to find maintenance.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Be consistent and get a routine going that works well with my kids and their school.

    Done. Yay!