5 days post op Constipation

Is it normal to be constipated after surgery? Its been 5 days and I've been taking stool softener since but to no avail. :blushing: :sick: :embarassed:


  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    It happened to me. I use Miralax from time to time. If it persists, give your surgeons office a call.
  • jennielou75
    jennielou75 Posts: 197 Member
    Its very normal. I have tried everything from prunes to movicol. I now take a half dose of senna every day. Docs have differing opnions on it but my doc says that if it works for me it is better than the alternative.
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    It's normal. My surgeon told me not to worry.
    I went six days then got diarrhea for a few. He also said that's normal. Liquid in. Liquid out. Lol

    At my one month check up I was constipated he told me to use an enema. I said no way and took a fiber lax. It worked. Just have to make sure you drink LOTS of water or you'll get impacted.

    I'm ten weeks now and I normally go every 4-5 days. If not I take a pill and it gets things moving.

    Good luck!
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    I was also going to say if you are still on pain meds that doesn't help.
  • Okay today I finally got some relief ... whew, lol. I needed the pain meds to be able to push because my incision still hurts. Ugh. Tomorrow will be one week post op! Whooo hooo. Can hardly wait to get out of Stage I and unto Stage II which at least I could blend up something tasty and different. ;-)
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    My doc said Mirilax and I kept it on hand because with the high protein diet we all eat, we don't get enough roughage or fiber to stay regular for awhile. Now, at 3 years out, I can eat a salad, a few Triscut crackers (very high fiber) or have a quest bar (high fiber) and stay regular, but in the beginning it was a partial does of Mirilax every few days.
  • Funny enough.....I had the same problem...7 days ...till a few hours ago...lol....think it was all the med school. .

    .but if you don't feel right definitely talk 2 your doctor
    God luck
  • 7 days post sleeve and finally resolved sort of--pear juice helped me
  • stratusphr
    stratusphr Posts: 87 Member
    Is it normal to be constipated after surgery? Its been 5 days and I've been taking stool softener since but to no avail. :blushing: :sick: :embarassed:

    Welcome to the loser's bench!! I'd guess that most of use have this problem, if not ALL the time, at least from time to time. I've been battling constipation starting right off the bat. It's been almost 4.5 years now! I tried everything and a couple of years ago my doctor said that Miralax was fine to take DAILY. I didn't like it in my skim milk or flavored water so most of the time I didn't do it and just dealt with it the best I could. Then, on a WLS forum I saw a whole thread about this and clicked, someone said they use Miralax daily, so I sent her a message and asked WHAT she put it in. Hot coffee or tea....every morning. Wow, it was LIFE CHANGING!!!! It dissolves and has NO taste at all, doesn't affect the coffee, not one bit! Try it!
  • I had my surgery on September 15th and since then have only had 2 bowel movements :( Doc said to take Milk of Magnesia but I am an RN and I know that its not good to take that stuff. Your body will get hooked on it and then you wont be able to go without taking something.