Small Successes

I had one of those days yesterday where I was able to really experience and realize how far I have come. My body doesn't always feel that different except for the pathetically ill-fitting clothing I am now wearing, so it's nice to be put into a situation that makes you understand the changes whether you've noticed them or not.

Living in Norther (central) California I am bleed to be only a few hours from every type of landscape I could want. The ocean, lakes, the seara nevada mountains, snow, the desert. I am particularly blessed to live so close to Yosemite National Park (if you can call 3 hours close).

To celebrate this labor day and as a break from a busy and stressful two weeks of work I decided to spend Sunday in Yosemite hiking. It's been 3 or so years since I was last here and that ended in a disastrous snow showing experience to Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias. Between falling several dozen times and having an asthma attack, I was made keenly aware of how out of shape I was. Only six years or so ago I was able to hike to the top of Upper Yosemite Falls and how I could barely complete a short hike to the redwoods. Fast forward to 150 days ago when i could barely get around the block without being out of breath. Depressing.


Sunday I decided to getaway with family and try hiking in Yosemite again, and the difference was wonderful. We spent a beautiful and tiring day hiking the John Muir Trail up to Upper and Lower Cathedral Lakes off Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite. 8.26 miles round trip in 5 hours and 18 min ascending a little over 1,650 feet to the top lake at 9,585 feet elevation. The hike to the lower lake is only 3.5 miles but in 1.5 miles you ascended 1,000 feet in switch back trials. The hike too much longer then expected, a mile doesn't seem like a lot till you realize its taken you 40min climbing 900 feet up. But it was amazing. We got to Lower Cathedral Lake and I realized that despite being a little tired I felt great. I was tired but my legs weren't sore and I could keep going. Where three years ago this would have been agonizing if not impossible.

You can check out a map of the hike and elevation here


An absolutely beautiful view at the top and a wonderful place for lunch. Nothing like sitting alongside a lake in the middle of the rocky Sierra Nevada Mountains.


The hike down was a different story. I think we can describe it as miserable. Going that steep downhill for 3.5 miles was not enjoyable, and getting to a car was never more a relief. But after stretching, inhaling water and giving myself a bath with wet wipes, I was nothing but happy that I had done something that 152 days ago would have been impossible. I did 28,650 steps that day for a total of 13 miles and burned 2,000 calories, made all the better by a religious experience with a chimichanga with beans and rice at Cocina Michoacana in Grovland, CA.

On the way out of Yosemite we stopped by to see the depressing state of Don Pedro Reservoir. Normally at this time of year it would be filled with houseboats and other recreational vehicles. but with the sate of the drought it's drooped 51%. Nothing like an illustration to bring home the reality of the drought in CA.



  • wennim
    wennim Posts: 276 Member
    Wow! That is one impressive hike. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures. It is amazing how much things change when you lose weight...just imagine what you will be capable of next spring if you keep on the same track.
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    What an amazing victory.. and wonderful photos Pat. You are just rocking it right now and an inspiration.
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Lovely pics Pat and well done, what an amazing hike. I do not know if I could have done that!
  • 40andFindingFitness
    Beautiful pics. Kudos to you!
  • carostad
    Sounds heavenly, except for the drought. :(

    I have the old cliche dream of travelling in that area by RV. I want to start in Arizona, hike across the Grand Canyon, enjoy the red rocks, cut through Vegas to the Sequoias, and then travel North through all the National Parks out that way. We homeschool, so we can take our schooling on the road.

    I will hike across the Grand Canyon one day. I will. This has been on my mind a lot lately, and your story here has a lot in common with mine. I visited the Grand Canyon about 15 years ago with an old friend. We were told that for every one hour down, you should expect two hours back up. So, we hiked down about 3 hours. It was only a little over a mile, lol. We were so terrified of heights that we only took baby steps going down. And, of course, when the mules passed us, I thought I was going to die of fright as they passed us. They walk along the outside of the path, and you hug the wall. And, they LITERALLY walk on the edge of sheer drops. So, when 3 hours passed, we turned around and walked back up hill. It took us about an hour at the most. Downhill is MUCH harder. And, I think our full bladders propelled us even faster up out of the Canyon. We didn't have time to give it another try the next day, so I left with the desire to go back one day and hike the whole Canyon. A year ago, with my constant pain just walking to the mailbox, I thought that dream was over. But, now? It will happen!

    So glad you get to enjoy the majesty of that area. Being outside is one of my greatest joys. I love the pics!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Wow...y'all are so inspiring!!!!