Hose Show

I have a horse show Sept. 20. I am hoping to lose another 5 pounds by then. I also work 50 hours per week at a desk job. Does anyone have an additional ideas to help me lose? I already have a fit bit flex and I try to go to the gym at least 5 days a week plus my riding. Any sound nutritional advice would be most appreciated.


  • luckypony71
    luckypony71 Posts: 399 Member
    Make sure you drink lots of water. It will help flush out extra sodium, plus the extra trips to the bathroom equal extra steps. LOL
  • lkellandmay
    lkellandmay Posts: 121 Member
    I have found the quickest way to lose it is to stop eating wheat... And sugar
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    Hope you made it and the show went well. 5 lbs is a lofty goal to set, but if you're eating well and getting about 10000 steps a day in you should make it :)
  • lkellandmay
    lkellandmay Posts: 121 Member
    How did your show go?