Realize Band Failure- Vs Gers future!

I recently went to the doctor because of apossible band slippage. I weigh more now than I did when I had the realize band procedure. I am MISERABLE. I wanted to know what to expect before and after surgery for the sleeve. My biggest fear is that the insurance will be denied. I need advice, motivation, anything I can get just to feel better. This has been a long journey for me. I went for a upper GI on August 28th and I am now waiting on the results.


  • homerismyhero
    homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
    Hi- I'm sorry that didn't work out- that has to be a really miserable feeling. When I went for my first consult, I wanted the band and my surg wouldn’t do it b/c he said he ended up taking most out because of slippage and scaring. I'm sorry your living that story now. I'm not sure what you went through to get the band, and ins requirements vary, but most likely you will have pre op w/ a cardiologist, dietician, pulmonologist and another gastro. My clinic also had a 10 day liquid diet to reduce the liver and prep for surg. After that- on night IP after surg- home the next day. Gradual reintroduction to food, clear liquid diet for a week, soft liquid diet for a week, soft foods for a week and then "normal diet" after that point. Your diet will be protein based, that's your first goal for intake. This is the very, very short version- there's a lot more detail- but stay tuned to this forum and look through the posts and you'll learn a lot- I did! As for the success- it's possible- I had mine on March 19th, and with the new diet and regular exercise ( I work out 4 days a week, walk at least 7K steps a day if not 10K a day) I'm down over 90lbs.

    Good luck- we're all cheering you on!
  • sarahViolet1977
    sarahViolet1977 Posts: 88 Member
    I pretty much had to do everything that Homer had to do for my pre-op. I'm a little over a month out and just had my restrictions lifted so now I can start exercising.

    This group is awesome. I've learned so much from this fabulous group of people.
  • emmerin78
    emmerin78 Posts: 311 Member
    So sorry to hear that you've been through this :(. My process was 13 months from first information session to surgery on 7/15/13. My surgeon's practice required life skills classes, post-surgery classes, appointments with psych, cardiology, pulmonology, endocrinology, and the nurse practitioner. My insurance required 6 months of medically supervised diet and exercise. Honestly, it felt like a lot of hoops to jump through, but now I'm really glad there were so many requirements because I felt as though I was really prepared for surgery and had a very smooth recovery since I was so ready to step into my new lifestyle. My recovery time was about a week or so, and I was on liquids for a week, purees for two weeks, soft solids for two weeks, and then I gradually added back in regular solids. None of this was too bad, since I had practically no appetite for the first few months after surgery. I'm a year and a month out from surgery now, and I don't have too much trouble getting my protein and water in. But at this point, I can physically eat pretty much anything I want, which is why making good choices (protein, veggies and a little fruit, a few whole grains) is so important.

    I wish you a speedy and successful second surgery and a smooth recovery. Please let us know if there's anything else we can answer for you!