Looking for journey Buddies .......

... To keep me logging in !

In 43, married with 2 noisy but lovely children... was made redundant from my job of 25 years in Feb and the weight has gone up again since then :( im certain it has absolutely nothing to do with my love of cheese, bread and red wine !

I have around 100lbs to lose ... but most of all I want to be fit ... fit to enjoy my life and be there for my children ... and my younger husband :wink: :laugh:

Im based in South East currently and have joined up with a Forces PTI 3 weeks ago to get me shifting my *kitten* ... he currently kicks my butt once a week and I go to the gym 3 times a week... I have just ordered a fitbit flex so am waiting on that arriving to see what it brings !!

Please add me to make my wall look a little more interesting !!
Also how do I make one of those sexy little ticker things that tracks your weight loss ??

Have a good day :drinker:


  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,544 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I had to close my business 18 months ago and time spent at home meant time eating. I was already overweight but this only compounded the problem.

    There is a good group on here and they will definitely help you make the right progress as they have with me.

    I'm not sure where to make a ticker though it should be under 'profile' . To add it to your posts go to message board - settings.


  • harley1968
    harley1968 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi I am Wendy, 45 and always up for some help.

    I gave up smoking April 2013 after 29 years and I thought (foolishly) I could give up and also do the gym at the same time, er no that didn't work. So a year and a bit and nearly 2 stone heavier I have finally decided enough is enough.

    So I started on Monday 1st September to try and shift this weight.

    Sending you both a FR, we can motivate and encourage each other :smile:
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member

    I am 33 years old and am in south east too. I have over 100lb to lose and log in every day. I sometimes see people with personal trainers making them run about, throw tires and do lots of jumping etc.... Too scary for me but well done :smile:

    Feel free to add me
  • CarolineWatts71
    CarolineWatts71 Posts: 10 Member
    Haha sounds just like my trainer ... he is an Army PTI but enormous fun !

    Thanks for the add ... my new fitbit arrived today as well so a new shiny gadget to keep me on track too !

    Have a great day :)
  • CarolineWatts71
    CarolineWatts71 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Wendy

    Thanks for the friend add ... great to be buddies and share those highs and lows ,.... looking forward to it ! :)
  • CarolineWatts71
    CarolineWatts71 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Andy

    Good luck on your journey ... im really on the ball right now .. I just need it to stick this time !

    Thanks for the ticker advice too .... gonna see if I can make it work ... but it was hard enough trying to sync my flex ... im no good at IT !
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    hi everyone. My journey started back on the 1st of january, i set myself a rediculously had challenge starting dieting, runnning and stopping smoking all on the same week.
    At first i couldnt even run for 30 second without feeling like my lungs were going to fall out of my chest. I can now do a steady 3k and am happy with that, i have done 5 before including race for life but i find it a bit too much.
    weight loss started of really well loosing 30 lb in the first 80 day then everything just stopped, for the next 3 months i just fluctuated between the same 5 lb, and obviously everything paid the price, in the end i stopped completly, and stopped watching both my calories and excericing. i took a month off with the hope that it would kick start my effort and weight loss.
    So here i am continuing on my journey and willing to share with anyone who wants. and to be honest ive still a long way to go.
  • JtKeil
    JtKeil Posts: 1,389 Member
    Heya, I'm in the south west and could use some friends to help keep me motivated. I'm at the last bit of my weight loss journey and it's going slow now. I've started exercising regularly which has helped confidence but it's too early to see any physical improvements. Some days I definitely think of throwing in the towel and just eating pizza and chocolate though.. So yea, I can most definitely use the support! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • matt_evans
    matt_evans Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all im 109 days in to my current weight loss campaign after a life time of excuses. Im looking better and feeling better so if I can help anyone else it would be my pleasure.
  • emb76
    emb76 Posts: 2 Member
    Just started again, seeing my weight log ins just creep up by a stone a year over the last 3 years has really given me the push to sort myself out. I have a 5 year old daughter, and life is just about settled down after a few years of enormous changes, so I feel ready to do this.
    My challenges are going to be, snacking, motivation to exercise and avoiding my daughters choccy stash!
    Would be great to have some support buddies, I'm in the north east now, but lived in Devon until 2 years ago :)
  • Pezkin85
    Pezkin85 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm down in Dorset, 29 years old and a mum of a one year old and a two year old. I'm trying to lose all the weight I put on whilst pregnant with them both! I have nearly hit my target but am hoping to lose another few pounds afterwards and for once in my life be slim, healthy and fit!

    I'm getting really into my running - I do a lot at the gym and loads of walking with the kids.

    Always looking for fellow fit-buddies to motivate and share journeys with so please feel free to add :)
  • rhonsal
    rhonsal Posts: 46 Member
    Back on the MFP bus so could do with some new motivators - please fee free to add me!
  • FoodieMotion
    FoodieMotion Posts: 78 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Caroline,

    You should be able to create a ticker by going to the bit at the top where it says "Hi (Username)" and then in there it should give you the option to create a progress ticker.

    Feel free to add me.

    Oh, and although I do have ticket set to show in my posts (I've double checked the settings), it isn't :confused:
  • charlie_anne
    charlie_anne Posts: 46 Member

    Trying to get back on the wagon, friends who won't judge me for my non-perfect diary would be appreciated! I'm trying to eat within my calorie goal each day and increase my exercise regime with added lifting (although first leg day with my new PT meant I couldn't walk properly for 5 days afterwards!!) Also have a fitbit one for those that use them.
  • FoodieMotion
    FoodieMotion Posts: 78 Member
    I've recently returned aboard the wagon. Using my GPS watch for runs and walks with Strava. I have crappy days too, Sunday (yesterday) shows it.
    I'm also not massively concerned about the macros at the moment although on my good days I'm not doing so bad.
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    Always interested to get like minded MFP friends. My diary is always open and always interested to see others!
  • happymum37
    happymum37 Posts: 95 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi, I've got a lot of weight to lose and have started to try and sort it out (again! :) ) I would love some more UK based friends, although I enjoy meeting people all over it would be nice totalk to people in the same time zone!
    Please feel free to add me x
  • cacri
    cacri Posts: 12 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi. I have about 2 stone to lose and I am getting there...slowly but I only started about 3 weeks ago. I am in Cheshire. I would be lovely to share the journey with people who understand what it's like. I am using a combination of Slim Fast and calorie controlled meals and snacks. Please feel free to ad me x

  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Hey everyone! Home is in Lincolnshire but I'm currently in Derby for uni. I'm almost halfway to my goal of 10st from 15st, feel free to add me everyone :smiley:
  • Big_Steezy
    Big_Steezy Posts: 68 Member
    Hey Guys, I'm from Manchester :smile:

    My Stats
    SW: 216.1
    CW: 186.1
    GW: 160ish

    I'm always happy to have new friends on here to help and be motivated by, anybody feel free to add me.