Taking the plunge (plus GF like reaction question)

So.... My husband has Celiac, plus diabetes, so I have been cooking very low carb as well as gluten free diet for him for a few years. I just went to an endocrinologist to rule out some thyroid crap that could be part of my Fibromyalgia. He decided to actually be a real doctor and care enough to do a bunch of other bloodwork, including wheat allergy testing. As he is ordering this, he tells me that I should probably go GF anyway, as he has had several patients that did not test allergic that went GF anyway and have had really good results.

Yes, Friends have been telling me this (to at least try it) for years..... I know many with FMS/CFS/ME who have benefited. I just don't WANNA. But I will anyway. :( I feel like a petulant child, which is sad, because I really don't eat much wheat at this point anyway!!!

So here is my question. I know that some foods that do NOT have gluten in them can cause a gluten like reaction. I know about red kidney beans and pre-ground coffee. Has anyone found a good list of such foods? I have seen several, and they contradict each other in some ways!

Thanks for any help in advance.



  • Soggynode
    Soggynode Posts: 1,179 Member
    Sorry... I can't help much with your question but I am very curious to see what responses you get. I didn't even realize there were other foods that can cause gluten like symptoms. That is a list I would very much like to see myself.

    We've been GF for about 5 years. My wife is Celiac and my youngest daughter is intolerant to gluten (and cleaning). I did not need to go GF but it was just too difficult to maintain a GF/non-GF household. Oddly enough the things I missed were things I wasn't eating much of anyway and wouldn't eat now if I could (donuts for example). On the plus side, I don't know if it is the lack of gluten, a reduction in processed foods, cleaner eating, etc... but I feel much better now than I did pre-GF.

    Best of luck on your GF adventure and I hope you get somebody with a more helpful post to your question :smile:
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am new to this - I packed it in 3 days ago and can't actually believe the withdrawl symtoms I'm feeling from not eating something as common as bread. I think the question you are asking is good but I think it is complex becasue gluten seems to cause several negatrive reactions and I am sure we may be different and be affected in different ways. I dont know the answer but i'm guessing one similarity may be sugar (sorry). I say ths becasue I know I am sugar sensatibe and after studting it i have found there is a link betwen sugar and beta ednorphin (a natural opate in the brain). I also have read that the peptides (whatever that means) in Gluten can affect the endorphin system. This is one of the side effects I'm getting - I feel low and have been anxious - just like coming down of pain killters. I am sure thre are other ways it affects our body (I ttried because of IBS) but i don't know the mechanisms for this yet. Lookiong forward to hanging out here, hopefully with a clearer head in a couple of days :-) Good luck, I hope you find the answers you are looking for