Calories Burned

I have just posted this in general but it might be useful here if you want to keep a record or set targets for a weekly burned amount of calories. I see a few challenges in here already though so I don't want to swamp the group with another....

Does anyone have a specific target for calories burned each day?
I aim for 600 minimum (as per the MFP counter) and usually manage to hit it. Sometimes I reach 800 or so.
Does anyone else have targets for such?

Maybe just a weekly count from Sunday to Sunday or something? I will leave this to the group organiser though, see if she wants it to go ahead or not.


  • cnadiger
    cnadiger Posts: 168 Member
    Because of back and knee issues, I aim for a much more moderate burn of 300/day. But I think that is way better than the 0/day I was getting 3 weeks ago!! :blushing:
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    Great topic, my focus has been just the number of days I exercise, some days I burn a lot while others I am happy that I am just getting something done. But I have noticed that when I burn a lot I crave to burn that much the next day. SOmetimes my body and mind are not in agreement. lol
  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    I have not thought about it as calories per day. I think that is a great idea.

    I have been walking 3 miles in the morning and possibly some at lunchtime. So my aim was to workout at least 4 days a week...but I am ready to change that to burning a certain amount of calories!!!!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    I aim for minimum of 500 per day. See, I LOVE to eat, so "earning" some extra calories means my meals are more enjoyable. Which makes this lifestyle change achievable.
  • Palamedes
    Palamedes Posts: 174 Member
    I go with a weekly target of 300 minutes of aerobic activity. I've been doing this on a 20 year old steel frame road bike that I use for my exercise rides. I keep track of these minutes on the Strava app that then transfers the data to MFP. I think the calorie estimate used by Strava might be a bit light, since I never entered my bike's weight into the app. Sometimes I eat back the calories and sometimes not. Depends on which day and how much activity I've managed in a day.
  • I hope for an average of at least 400 cal/day 6 days a week. Mostly it works out to be lower on days that I do weight training and higher on days I do cardio. This makes me tempted to do all cardio all the time, but in the long run I think the strength training is important, so I try to make it average out over the week.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    I don't register my calories burned. Just minutes.
    So many times the burns are over/under estimates it's hard to know what is correct.
    That way I also don't slip into the old ....Oh well I burned xxx # of calories so I can have xxxx treat!
    I log my exercise add the minutes and change the 'calories burned' to 14 (random #)
    I know a handful of others do this as well. Doesn't work for everyone. :)
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I usually try to aim for 600-700 during the week and 700-800 on the weekends. I find that the more fit I get the harder it is to reach those burns so I either have to work out longer or workout harder or both.
  • I am hitting 600 cal a day. But yes, the lighter you get the more you need to do to burn right?

    Morning walk, night time walk, walking up stairs and some general messing about stuff that I don't register - doing squats with my 44kg daughter sitting on my shoulders.
  • 100andOnward
    100andOnward Posts: 145 Member
    I also aim for around 600 a day from active exercise, and I definitely average that much. Runs 3 times a week, biking twice a week, and martial arts. I also do a lot of lifting and bodyweight work, which doesn't count in the MFP totals.

    I also use Fitbit and aim for 1500 -1700 calories from overall activity, and generally hit that as well.