Getting the whole family active

So I am trying to get in shape and I am making healthy foods for the whole family and sometimes just for myself because my kiddos and husband of course have a high metabolism. Recently my boys started riding their bicycles a lot and my husband got mine and his out of storage so we can ride together. I hadn't rode a bike in forever and it definitely worked some muscles that hadn't seen much action. I am excited because I just ordered a baby seat to put my daughter on the back of my bike so we can all go at the same time. We all have a love for outdoors and I am looking forward to this new chapter in our lives of being active as a family.

Does anyone else have any activities the family does together to get the entire family moving and having fun at the same time?


  • victoria_b482
    victoria_b482 Posts: 35 Member
    I got my seat in and my daughter loved it! My boys loved that we can all ride together instead of taking turns with the baby. Going to the store as a family on bicycles was fun and better for the environment. I had someone honk at me and give me a thumbs up. I then had a lady tell me she was happy to see us and that it was unique and she loved that we did this. That just got me more pumped. I am loving this new lifestyle change to get healthy and fit as a family. My husband is now wanting to eat just like me and encourage him to exercise when I do. I love having this much support.
  • XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX
    XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX Posts: 274 Member
    I really want a new bike with a seat! Right now the husband baby and I take nightly walks :) my son loves looking around the neiborhood.
  • victoria_b482
    victoria_b482 Posts: 35 Member
    I really want a new bike with a seat! Right now the husband baby and I take nightly walks :) my son loves looking around the neiborhood.
    That's awesome! I also take my daughter for walks in her stroller she loves it. I need a new bicycle too because my old one broke after 3 days of using it with my new baby seat the gears are stuck on the highest one which I have to pump as hard as I can.