Saturday September 6 to Friday September 12

USPSA match today, and still did the walk for the dogs when I got home. Long day.


  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member

    Hooray seem to be over the low carb flu hump. Back to my normal perky self.

    Which was probably helped by a much needed 90minute massage. Added the extra time this month to have him really work on my IT bands and upper back / neck. Ahhhhhh
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Sunday Folks! Well the walk was tough yesterday. First 6 miles to the turn around point went well, we had a bout a 2 hr break there and a meal at Hooters, Then hit the trail for the return trip. Got it done but I certainly slowed our group down a bit. But we are all about not leaving folks behind so had te3am members on my left and right all the way. Will be doing more of these so gonna have to train for it more and do it a bit smarter. Tried a new ruck yesterday and its not good, the lay of the shoulder straps are too narrow and it did not sit well on my back so had some significant lumbar pain towards the end. By the time I got home yesterday I was in some pretty significant pain, with knees and feet basically on fire muscles screamin etc..But this old fart was smiling The cause of Vetern suicide I take personally.I have lost more friends and peers to this in the 20 years I've been retired than I did to the actual wars and high risk training of my 22 years of service.
    Yesterday I walked for a friend and team member of mine that did 3 tours in Vietnam his call sign was Charlie Bone, 3 years after he retired and two weeks before he took his own life I had stopped by to see him and catch up he was doing OK considering he had just broken up with his wife of 20 years, complained a bit of aches and pains that made him feel old before his time, but had a Doctors appt coming up to follow up on tests and was going to get to the bottom of it. I was stationed nearby at Fort Lewis Wa but had an exercise coming up so I told him I'd check back with him when I returned.
    When I called him a month or so later his sister answered the phone, and when I asked for Charlie Bone, she was surprised and a bit taken aback/angry when she said "You don't know?" Charlie Bone had been to the Doc's for his test results, had been diagnosed with ALS got in his car drove to the woods, and took his own life. No note no good byes, just went and did it. He was not the first that I knew and he has certainly not been the last; and when I meet him again be it Heaven or Hell I will kick his *kitten* for leaving that way. But he was who I carried yesterday. so every step that hurt, every muscle fiber that burned, every drop of sweat was for Charlie Bone, I finally got him home. I finally smiled the smile of mission accomplished. I will speak of him no more, for he is now at rest.

    Therapy Over
    Hammer Jammer 1 - out
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member

    Nice work John. Great workout, even better motivation ( tho sad it's so prevelant) I wonder if the stop rest and eat had an impact on your return leg. I know if I'm doing a long ride and stop, eat, let muscles cool down, I have a much much harder time after. ( multiply that times two if I drink a beer on the break)

    Mark- dog walks do make such a great opportunity for just a bit more low impact movement.

    Hoping to get some dirt miles in today on the mountain bike. Beautiful day in southeast Wisconsin.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Catching Up -

    Howie I am in Eastern Time so for the group, if 8 or 9 eastern is good on Saturday or Sundays is good; I'm in.
    Also Howie if you think Paleo might be an option you'd want to try I'd highly recommend the Book "It Starts With Food" I've read a few and I think it's the best presentation of How and Why backed upo by some very good science. It is not a baby step approach though. But if you are already eating mostly whole foods it is a plan that you can make work. I had already lost about 70-80 lbs when I did it and it has made a very big difference in how I feel beyond the weight lost. That being said I do occasionally treat myself with no regrets. Though I have found that highly processed high sugar foods (think donuts) give me muscle cramps that are not just twinges but kick *kitten* middle of the night cramps. So some stuff when you take it out does not come back well. To sum it up is I eat mindfully with an orientation to single ingredient whole foods and quality protein, with the biggest lesson learned from all of this is we are unique. Diet and exercise stuff needs to be tailored for you by you or with a good coach whose main question is How did that make you feel?.

    Mark - Hoooah but I would recommend giving yourself 2 or 3 days between ruck sessions. If you use an HRM you'll se a very big difference in the HR between sessions. It really brings the walk (even at 3.5 mph( into the class of a Metabolic Conditioning Exercise.Be careful with it. On another note I'm fixing to order some body armor as that's a weighted vest I have lots of experience with and am comfortable with. I've tried some of the weighted exercise vests and I just can't get comfortable with the weight distribution. The matches sound like a lot of fun.

    Kim = much thanks and glad to read the flu season is over for you :) Can't help but respect a gal that likes to play in the dirt. You are special.

    Heron - Hope you're having fun camping and fishing.

    Just in case I forgot, I had a great time chatting last Wed. I enjoyed the pleasure of your company, thanks Carol and Howie and all who joined in. Have a great day folks.
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Sounds like good therapy John, that must be rough to go through.

    As for eating, I still eat a lot of crap even though I continue to lose weight. I'm still not sure if I want to switch to paleo type diet but I do want to add more natural food in. I need to work that for sure.

    8pm EST on Sunday works for me. How about we plan for next Sunday the 14th at 8pm EST? I can't do tonight. I can set up the hangout and I will post the link on here. So just check for a new thread here at 8pm for whoever wants to join in. Sound good?
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    John musta picked up from one of my "completed her diary" statuses that most morning I just "eat" coffee with heavy cream and coconut oil. He asked me if I was hungry after. I've been starting my mornings this way for a few months, and generally the answer is NO. After all it is about 400 calories of fat. This morning I woke hungry because of a larger than normal calorie deficit yesterday. Those of you with Instagram can see what I did about it. I'm Beerbikegirl there too.

    Tho between just lounging around, catching up, mediating (LOVE Headspace) deciding what to make and prepping. I still didn't eat until noon. So I guess it held me as usual. Wasn't anywhere near hangry by the time I ate my spinach steak eggs and fresh Hollandaise. In fact fed hubby and kiddo first. Then took time to set up take and post picture.

    Oh the horrid things I'm forced to eat at high fat low carb.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Well a week without ac led to eating a lot of crap.... and adding some pounds...

    Ac is fixed, now I gotta work on my resolve....
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    John musta picked up from one of my "completed her diary" statuses that most morning I just "eat" coffee with heavy cream and coconut oil. He asked me if I was hungry after. I've been starting my mornings this way for a few months, and generally the answer is NO. After all it is about 400 calories of fat. This morning I woke hungry because of a larger than normal calorie deficit yesterday.

    I see a lot of people talk about "heavy cream" what are you using? Heavy whipping cream?
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Kevin. Yes. Heavy whipping cream. I use Organic Valley. Good WI company and pasture/primarily grassfed (not entirely in winter, it is Wisconsin). But in pinch I use any brand. I whip it for a couple seconds in a nutra bullet type thing. Really creamy and latte like. I use no sweetner. As an aside Kiefer talked about why he thinks this combo better than bulletproof on a podcast. Something about the milk fat go bikes which are destroyed making butter.

    Also when traveling Starbucks has heavy cream. I don't bother with coconut oil on road. Ask for "about an inch of heavy cold cream"
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member

    8pm EST on Sunday works for me. How about we plan for next Sunday the 14th at 8pm EST? I can't do tonight. I can set up the hangout and I will post the link on here. So just check for a new thread here at 8pm for whoever wants to join in. Sound good?

    Works for me lad
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Well a week without ac led to eating a lot of crap.... and adding some pounds...

    Ac is fixed, now I gotta work on my resolve....

    Good O Kevin
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Monday Folks, The opportunities to excel are everywhere, Keep on Jammin'!
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Sounds good then hopefully we can get a good group going. 8pm EST Sunday it is.

    Did really well with eating yesterday but sucked Saturday, I ended up having two treat days. Like Mark was saying those treat days are easy to let bleed into the next day. I counted calories and keep track though so I'm working on lowering my intake for the week. I banked 400 calories yesterday and plan to do -600 for the next 4 days.

    I don't know about the heavy cream in coffee. LOL I like mine black. I'm also still stuck on trying to stay low fat. I don't see where there is enough evidence in the medical community that supports the high fat diet. I'm sure I could be wrong and you guys may be right, so I couldn't really argue it, but for now I'm sticking with the American Heart Assc.
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    I am not quite sure how to put down "bullet casting" as an exercise for yesterday.. :D I will put 8pm EST down on my calendar for our chats.

    Howie, to me it is sort of like the whole carb thing. Some can do low fat, and some cannot. I found out years ago I am one that needs that fat (the good stuff). Like the whole good/bad carbs, there are good/bad fats. At that time, I found out through a nutritionist that my low fat diet was the issue with my lack of weight loss. Suggestion was to add natural fats to my diet. It went against everything that I knew then (it was mentally hard), but it worked. So I know, for me, I need that fat. I further learned to lay off the processed carbs.

    It truly is a journey to figure out what you need or don't need. It will also change over time.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member

    Great day yesterday even if I never did get on my bike. I've been wanting to check out the hiking trails at a nearby state park. In addition to the hiking the park has one mountain biking loop. I brought the bike with the intention of checking out the bike path after hiking. I choose one of their blue/black routes doing a couple of the black sections but not all of them. Was a bit over 7 miles with an average of 100ft elevation gain per mile in typical up and down WI fashion. A few very steep areas. The idea of riding after was a bit ambitious. The hike wore me out. No doubt I could have ridden 5 miles on bike but as I don't know that trail decided not to push it. The times I've fallen hard on the mountain bike are usually when I'm pushing tired. Next time I'll bike first then hike.

    Howie- I've never answered your question re why Paleo. For me it's all about health. Similar to Mark I had years and years of GI issues. Taking Prilosec for GERD twice a day PLUS perscription meds for colitis. On none of that now. Additionally for metabolic/ heart disease type markers. I've gone from pre-diabeties levels of blood sugar to am fasted blood sugar in mid to low 70s. Triglycerides in the 80s (was in the 190-200 prior) with HDL higher than triglycerides at 89. Those are the key indicators for potential heart disease.

    So I'd disagree there's no evidence. Read "Eat the a Yolks" or "Big Fat Lie" or any of Mark Hymans work. The two books really go into how the AHA guidelines got to where they are today. And it's not due to science. John is also right that "Starts with Food" another great book on the ways to how we eat. However, I found the whole30 ( and even Dalls & Melissa the authors) too restrictive and dogmatic. I needed to baby step into it. I also needed to make a very large mental shift from trying to lose weight to trying to be and remain healthy and full of vitality for the rest of my life. That mindset makes it very easy to make good choices...and to have the occasional treats, non-clean eating.

    This current thing with CarbNite is just a little n=1 experiment. I've made no effort to lose weight for nearly a year instead focusing on getting healthy - in food, sleep, stress and movement. July was my test month. No tracking, nearly half month on vacation. Lots of little indulgences...but generally true to my beliefs. And no weight gained, movement maintained. Now time to begin seeing if I can speed up things a bit...ESP as the folks I credit as responsible for this mindset of healthy first (Jason Seib & Sarah Fragoso) are now using CnS with their clients a bit.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    8pm EST on Sunday works for me. How about we plan for next Sunday the 14th at 8pm EST? I can't do tonight. I can set up the hangout and I will post the link on here. So just check for a new thread here at 8pm for whoever wants to join in. Sound good?

    That sounds like an awesome idea! I may try and join in!

    I know... I've been MIA for about a week (or more). Lost a lot of my mojo there for a bit. But, I am finally getting back into the running. Did a four mile race on Friday night and finished a lot better than I thought I would and I managed a 8 mile training run yesterday morning. Was slow, but I did it! 10 weeks from the next half marathon, so I really need to get back into and build up my mileage. And I'm hoping that with all the running, my eating will improve.

    I am going to start the 21 Day Sugar Detox next Sunday (basically it's the Practical Paleo menu but no sugars like honey, maple syrup, or stevia). My sugar cravings have been out of control lately so I'm hoping this will help eliminate my sugar binges. I am willing to try anything at this point...

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Mentioned wrong book above. Meant "Big Fat Surprise"
    By Nina Teicholz. But to save time, her editorial on CNN sums it up
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Tuesday. When I made the comment to hubby over the weekend that I wanted to do more hiking, I did not mean of the hike-a-bike sort! Took my bike to work to ride the in town mountain bike trails. Nice little twisty two mile loop that's good for quick laps on the woods. Twisty a few roots easy but fun. About a mile in heard a loud hiss. Had a piece of glass embedded in my tire. Pulled it out and it re sealed (I run what's called tubeless which has a liquid sealant in tire versus a tube) but I hadn't brought my pack with the pump. So was too flat to ride. Had to push it out. Did have a pump in car but after pumping it up only was able to get in one test the seal loop before dark.

    While I love fall. The shorter days not do much.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Bummer on the tire Kim though good example of Adjust, Adapt, Overcome.

    Well another great day about to begin. Work Hard, Have Fun, but above all..... B Koo-EL!
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Very small snowflakes falling this morning on my hike. We are supposed to get a lot more in the next couple of days, yee haw!! Then back into the 70's next week.. Boo!! I did another 42lb pack hike last night for 2 miles. I did not push it as much, and cut it a wee bit short.