garcinia cambogia, thoughts?

Hey Ladies,

As we all know it is very tempting to jump onto those 'Miracle drug' band wagons.This one however has sparked quite an interest. Who has taken this wonder drug, does it really work? Or is this just another fad that will pass by.



  • LilMissTucknRoll
    LilMissTucknRoll Posts: 105 Member
    I would love to know this as well.

    On a more helpful note: my mom started taking it a few weeks ago and when I saw her the other day I thought she looked a little smaller, but that's not substantial proof. LOL
  • AuroraD82
    AuroraD82 Posts: 56 Member
    I've taken it and do still if I'm not sure of my will. It works but I found I got headaches if I took the full dose. My sister swears by it. I started fasting and found my own mental powers were working and I didn't realize I'd been forgetting to take the pill. Si, I just use it casually.