Low Blood Pressure, other health issues

SO I have officially hit my rock bottom here, I am so frustrated with this pregnancy right now!

This weekend I found out that the medicine I was prescribed for my migraines (by an on call doctor I have never met in person) is actually NOT ok for pregnancy. IT is classed as a level D (dont know what that means, but its a barbiturates, dont know what that means really either LOL) SO I was already very upset waiting until Monday for my appointment to check that everything is OK.

I have been trying to relax myself and not focus too much on the possibility of things going wrong. Then, when I got off work this morning (I work 12 hour shifts at night) I was feeling really weird. I ate some cereal, laid down on the couch as my 5 year old was up and wanted to watch Brave. I fell asleep while she watched it and woke up about half an hour later, drenched in sweat. I go to the kitchen, grab a cold bottle of water and take a swig and made my way to the bathroom.

As soon as I sat on the toilet to pee I felt like I was going to throw up. I thought OK, I knew I overdid it on the cereal (had 2 bowls :ohwell: ) but then I quickly realized I wasnt going to throw up, I was passing out. It was too late to catch myself, I fell off the toilet, peed on myself and went into convulsions. I came to and tried to pull myself up, only to pass out again. My little girl must have come in the bathroom and found me, went and got daddy so he helped me up and get cleaned off.

I felt so exhausted, I just wanted to sleep so I went up to my room and crashed. Slept like a baby actually. Got up this afternoon still feeling very light headed and just not "normal". Knowing I have a Dr. appointment in the morning, I decided not to go to the ER and come into work tonight.

Now I am halfway through my shift, and I just feel awful. I know I can make it to my appointment tomorrow but I am worried that whatever caused the passing out and convulsions (I am sure it was low blood pressure, itshappened to me in the past pre pregnancy) will not be detectable by the time my appointment comes around, and Ireally want them to give me a note off work tomorow. I just mentally need a break from stress and to relax.

This pregnancy is so much harder than my lst two, I am thankful for it but oh so sick of worrying, its been one thing after another, not all of which I wanted to list here.. :sad:


  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Why didn't you go straight to the doctor/hospital? If that had been me, I'd have gone to the maternity ward to be checked out, and they'd have wanted to monitor the baby. I don't understand how that can happen and you can then head off to work! Even not pregnant, I wouldn't go to work if that had happened to me!

    I had low blood pressure in pregnancy (98/58 at the lowest) and I never passed out, although I felt light headed sometimes.

    Sounds like firstly you need to get checked out, ad secondly you need a break.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    If you continue to feel like that, I suggest quitting work or working part time. Working that much is hard on your body. Make sure to eat snacks every 2-3 hrs and drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. I feel better if I eat small frequent meals, than big meals 5-6 hrs apart.