March 2015 Mommies!



  • amaybee13
    amaybee13 Posts: 28 Member
    Just received call with genetic testing results. I am 13 weeks and 4 days. Everything is fantastic!!!! Oh and it's a GIRL :) So excited. Still working out and lifting weights. I am actually doing PiYo now and love it!
  • Imadorkable
    Imadorkable Posts: 419 Member
    I am due March 30th with baby #1. Has anyone on here had issues with hypothyroidism? In may my levels were normal, but my OB/GYN called and said my levels indicated hypothyroidism and started me on medication.
  • Longtobelean
    Longtobelean Posts: 78 Member
    I had my 17 week ultrasound. Everything looked great. We couldn't get a good view of the gender, so the doctor is tentatively saying girl because of a from behind shot. I'm hoping that is right. It makes 2 boys and 2 girls for me. In that order.

    I have not gained any weight. I had lost 4 lbs during the 1st trimester, but have gained 2 back. So I am 2 lbs under my start weight at the beginning of pregnancy. I'm starting to have more good days than bad--so I think I am going to try and get back to the gym this week. Have to go and get the class schedule for my gym because it changes each month.

    I hope that I can work out throughout because it will really help with the birth.
  • Lelah77
    Lelah77 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm due March 30 with my 3rd. I talked to my Doc about where to set my Cals. We decided on my TDEE plus 250, which puts me at about 2170 for the day. Seems like a lot after living on 1600-ish for so long, but I only eat when I'm hungry so some days I am under and if I hit all my veggies, fruits, and macros I don't sweat it. However, if I am hungry I refuse to starve and so I will sometimes eat them all. Only gone over twice since changing and both were special occasion days where I would have gone over no matter where my calories were set!

    I was careful about calories/intake during my last pregnancy and I left the hospital 15 lbs over pre-preggo weight. That slipped off, and then some. When I returned to work I was 8 lbs lighter than pre-preggo which made me VERY happy. I went back to work in my regular clothes. I hope to do it again.
  • lovinmycountryboy
    I am due march 16th with #4 ( 2 girls and a boy so far don't know what this one is yet) I have lost 24 lbs so far, wondering if im going to gain anything. Dr says everything is fine with my weight lose because im doing it healthy and the baby is growing fine. I've been eating healthy and walking everyday so i might be lucky and not gain 65 lbs like the rest of them.
  • v35lmt
    v35lmt Posts: 17 Member
    I am also due March 16th, but this is my first.

    I had a doctors appointment today, and even though I haven't gained any weight yet at 17 weeks, doctor says that baby is growing just fine. Also got to hear the heartbeat today, which I wasn't expecting, so overall it was a great visit!
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    So here I am thinking I'm up 5lbs so far in this pregnancy based off of my weigh-in at the OB Friday afternoon... Had to go again this morning for a BP check and I was 4lbs less than Friday so I've only gained about a pound these first 16 weeks.. I'll take it!!!
    BP is back to normal and we are having a girl..this evens our family out..2 boys and now 2 girls :) My daughter is so excited!
    SKINNYFAT2FABULOUS Posts: 14 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I'm due March 22nd and this is my first. We found out last week that we're having a girl!! Can't wait!

    I'm 16 weeks and weighed myself this morning and have gained 4 lbs which I'm super happy about! I'm a hardgainer so making sure I'm eating enough to gain weight is one of my main concerns.

    I used to work out prior to pregnancy but only like once a week, twice if I was feeling ambitious lol. I was basically a couch warmer for my entire first trimester of pregnancy but now that I'm feeling better I really want to try to be more active. I keep hearing all the benefits for both myself and most importantly my little baby and I definitely want to take advantage of doing all I can!

    Any ladies here have a particular routine they'd like to share? I've googled plenty of routines but I think it's nice to be able to sometimes discuss things directly with other people.

    Also, does anyone know what the main differences are between regular yoga and prenatal yoga? Is it more just certain stretches we don't do in prenatal yoga due to balance issues? I'd love some input if anyone nows :smile:
  • Longtobelean
    Longtobelean Posts: 78 Member
    I have a confession. Between having 2 kids playing soccer and bowling (each play both) and a 16 month old getting into everything, plus working full time...I haven't been doing much on the work out front. This pregnancy, like all my others, is draining me. I barely have the energy to work all day, go 3 different places to pick up one kid at each location, and then rush to their activities (always at different parks across town from each other). After picking them up from the activities I rush home to cook and feed them supper. Then it is showers, bed time routine, and bed! At that point it is usually about 10 pm at the earliest before I look at the clock and realize that I have made it through another day without working out. Realistically at that point I'm exhausted! At 20 weeks I just don't have the energy to do much. I can't work out while they are at practice because I am driving the other to their practice. I don't want to work out during their games because I don't want to miss watching them play. I was going to work out during bowling because it is 4 hours! However, just as I was leaving this last week, a kid on my oldests' team starting really bullying my son and his friend. His parents weren't stepping in and my son is very timid. So I stayed to make sure that he wasn't physically hurt and I verbally supported him, I was calling him over and quietly giving him tips and strategies to employ to hopefully get the bully to stop. At this point though, I told him if the kid touches him--punch him. The kid is a typical bully--if he were challenged in that way he would cry and blame my son. So I want to be there for that because I'm not going to allow my son to be blamed. This kid has had 4 years of issues and no one in his family want to admit it is HIS issue and not the 100's of other kids that have complained.

    Sorry, I kinda side railed on a rant there. Point is, I'm swamped with things to do and really tired! I need that infamous 2nd trimester energy.
  • jess_erin
    jess_erin Posts: 69 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I'm due with our first on March 12. So I'm just about 20 weeks now. I still haven't gained anything yet. Dr isn't concerned yet but said she'd like to see a gain soon. I've been so terrible with food and excerise I'm surprised I haven't ballooned. I guess the sickness is keeping the weight at bay.
    I still have to wait two weeks to find out what were having. I'm getting impatient. Whatever it is it's definitely active. I feel like baby is constantly wiggling and poking, it's very distracting. But it's nice to know baby is enjoying itself in there.
  • Longtobelean
    Longtobelean Posts: 78 Member
    jess_erin wrote: »
    Hi Ladies,
    I'm due with our first on March 12. So I'm just about 20 weeks now. I still haven't gained anything yet. Dr isn't concerned yet but said she'd like to see a gain soon. I've been so terrible with food and excerise I'm surprised I haven't ballooned. I guess the sickness is keeping the weight at bay.
    I still have to wait two weeks to find out what were having. I'm getting impatient. Whatever it is it's definitely active. I feel like baby is constantly wiggling and poking, it's very distracting. But it's nice to know baby is enjoying itself in there.

    I am on my 4th pregnancy. Only with the 1st did I gain weight. I haven't gained with any of the others. I lost actually. My OB was never concerned and all my children were of normal weights (7lb 6oz, 8lb 3oz, 6lb 1oz). I wouldn't be too concerned as long as ultrasounds and such are showing normal growth in your baby.
  • Longtobelean
    Longtobelean Posts: 78 Member
    I went back yesterday for an appointment. It is 100% that I am having a GIRL. I am so excited. I will have boy-boy-girl-girl. Perfect! I get to experience the brotherly relationship and the sisterly relationship. I didn't have a sister, only brothers, so I'm happy for my daughter. The measurements were right where they were suppose to be. Fluid levels are excellent and the placenta looks good. I'm glad to report that I'm not throwing up every day finally, just occasionally. This is a vast improvement over my other pregnancies where I was still throwing up 15-25 times a day at this point. I will be 23 weeks on November 2nd. I am feeling lots of strong movements and she was very active during the ultrasound. I got to see her little hand perfectly and it was so cute!

    This thread is slow so far...everyone else give us an update!
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    That’s great news!! I’m having baby #4 march 23rd and its a girls also so we are also evened out with 2 boys and 2 girls. My daughter was psyched!!! She was ready to move out if this was another brother! lol
    I had my level 2 ultrasound last week. It was so awesome to see everything so close. The tech kept saying wow your daughter has a beautiful heart which made me laugh. The Dr who reviewed the ultrasound said the same thing. I feel very luck to be having another healthy baby! Happy Halloween :)
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Love the pairings!! I had a brother and we got along for the most part and get along great now. Missed out on the whole sister relationship so that's awesome you guys get that for yours!

    We had our 20-wk ultrasound last week and confirmed baby #2 is also a girl!! That makes 2 girls for us and my hubby WAY outnumbered (we have 2 female dogs too!) LOL. But I found out he was secretly hoping for another daughter anyway - awwwww :smile: The ultrasound was done in a radiology department and the head dr had to come to see a few more images just to make sure he saw exactly what he was looking for, but everything was spot on and "couldn't be more on schedule" :wink: This one has been way more active than the first - the first she do an occasional stretch of arms but mostly it was hiccups I felt. Have the 20-wk follow-up apt with my midwife Wednesday to go over the ultrasound results in more details, and she should be happy because according to my scale I have gained a few more pounds which is what she was wanting to see (so far up 10 lbs at 21 weeks - much better than the first time!).

    Love the updates, keep them coming!
  • ganzelly
    ganzelly Posts: 302 Member
    Had our 20 week ultrasound a few weeks ago and a follow up yesterday because baby is being stubborn and they couldn't get all the pics they wanted. We did not find out, so the name for now is 'baby'. I am feeling baby almost constantly now (currently 22.5 weeks) so they are active. Feeling good, weight is up about 10-14lbs depending on the week and still trying to exercise as much as possible. Was away all last week for a babymoon in Jamaica so trying to get back into exercise this week without hurting myself. This is our first so not too nervous yet, but I'm sure after the holidays it will become much more real!
  • SciurusLis
    Hi! I'm due March 24th. I am relieved to hear other people have trouble gaining weight. My doctor was fine with my 1st trimester weight loss (stupid morning sickness), but at the 18 week appointment he said I should really start gaining. My friend who used this site to track her food while training for an Iron Man suggested I join. So glad I did! Thank you to everyone sharing!
  • kbellnurse
    Hey ladies!
    I am due March 10 (so 22wks right now), with my first baby. I've been having a hard time keeping up with eating well/exercising. I always thought - since I am someone who has tried to be quite healthy for a number of years, that being pregnant I would be even MORE motivated to provide my baby with super nutritious & healthy food. But it's proving a lot more difficult then I planned! I had been sitting around a healthy weight for a couple years and was pretty happy. Before getting pregnant I gained about 5lbs just from too much summer indulgence eating/shift work. Since I've been pregnant I've now gained about 13lbs! A far cry from all you ladies with no gain haha.
    I was nauseous for the first several weeks but not enough to lose any weight. I've been trying to be gentle with myself about the weight gain, pregnancy is not about vanity right! ;) But I'm more concerned that I'm not eating enough nutritious food for baby to grow with! I set my goal to eat 5-6servings of fruits and veggies every day and limit processed crap. (this doesn't seem to happen as often as I plan however) Up until now I have not been tracking any of my intake officially. I am wondering though if I should start again.. Halloween was the worst, I don't even usually like candy but I hate a TON of mini choco bars, and soo many ketchup chips! haha. I couldn't get enough!
    I work a physical job and I walk quite regularly still outside, also doing prenatal yoga and some light work outs at home.
    ANyone have any tips on how you're dealing with increased appetite/cravings?
  • kimberly_grubbs
    kimberly_grubbs Posts: 70 Member
    kbellnurse wrote: »
    Hey ladies!
    I am due March 10 (so 22wks right now), with my first baby. I've been having a hard time keeping up with eating well/exercising. I always thought - since I am someone who has tried to be quite healthy for a number of years, that being pregnant I would be even MORE motivated to provide my baby with super nutritious & healthy food. But it's proving a lot more difficult then I planned! I had been sitting around a healthy weight for a couple years and was pretty happy. Before getting pregnant I gained about 5lbs just from too much summer indulgence eating/shift work. Since I've been pregnant I've now gained about 13lbs! A far cry from all you ladies with no gain haha.
    I was nauseous for the first several weeks but not enough to lose any weight. I've been trying to be gentle with myself about the weight gain, pregnancy is not about vanity right! ;) But I'm more concerned that I'm not eating enough nutritious food for baby to grow with! I set my goal to eat 5-6servings of fruits and veggies every day and limit processed crap. (this doesn't seem to happen as often as I plan however) Up until now I have not been tracking any of my intake officially. I am wondering though if I should start again.. Halloween was the worst, I don't even usually like candy but I hate a TON of mini choco bars, and soo many ketchup chips! haha. I couldn't get enough!
    I work a physical job and I walk quite regularly still outside, also doing prenatal yoga and some light work outs at home.
    ANyone have any tips on how you're dealing with increased appetite/cravings?

    I'm due march 16th with my second. Honestly, if my appetite is outrageous, I'll eat until I'm satisfied, obviously not just junk! I find that if I work out the night before I am STARVING the next day and if I workout in the morning (around 530am) then by 10am I feel like I could eat a cow! I've been trying to stick to my cals but much more lax this time around and just trying to make sure I get my workouts in. Earlier on I was more obsessive with logging and trying to eat more fruits and veggies, but these only held me off for 20mins just to feel starved again. With my first pregnancy, I ditched the scale and only checked in at my doctors appointments, which was probably the best thing ever for me, so I'm doing it again! This is the only way I've found to be gentle about the weight gain process!
  • Longtobelean
    Longtobelean Posts: 78 Member
    MelissR75-That's neat that your having an even 'score' too!

    lilchino4af-Husband's can be sweet to watch during pregnancy at times.

    ganzella-Congrats on your 1st!

    Sciuruslis-Welcome! I love this site.

    kbellnurse-Don't be too hard on yourself, just try to pace food when possible. If your hungry, eat. If your healthy overall before pregnancy, continue to try and work out during pregnancy when possible, then you can get back into a routine after the baby, the weight will come off easier than you expect. It is harder if you didn't have a great level of fitness before, but if you did--don't stress overly much!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    We had our 20-wk ultrasound last week and confirmed baby #2 is also a girl!! That makes 2 girls for us and my hubby WAY outnumbered (we have 2 female dogs too!) LOL. But I found out he was secretly hoping for another daughter anyway - awwwww :smile: The ultrasound was done in a radiology department and the head dr had to come to see a few more images just to make sure he saw exactly what he was looking for, but everything was spot on and "couldn't be more on schedule" :wink: This one has been way more active than the first - the first she do an occasional stretch of arms but mostly it was hiccups I felt. Have the 20-wk follow-up apt with my midwife Wednesday to go over the ultrasound results in more details, and she should be happy because according to my scale I have gained a few more pounds which is what she was wanting to see (so far up 10 lbs at 21 weeks - much better than the first time!).
    Update to our 20 week ultrasound...

    During the ultrasound (and based on feedback from the tech/dr), there didn't seem to be any issues/reason to worry (baby was exactly where she should be at 20 weeks growth wise, organs, spine, etc. that they were looking at looked good). However, at our 20-week appt with the midwife the following week to discuss the results, among other things for this milestone, we were told the report noted an abnormality in the ultrasound: what should be a 3-vessel umbilical cord is only a 2. In other words, (besides the blood vessel that delivers nutrients to the baby), instead of the 2 arteries that carry waste away from the baby, there's only 1. This happens in .5-1% of pregnancies. Because the kidney and heart ultrasound pics looked normal, we look to fall in the 75% of the 1% that result in normal births with no issues. But my midwife is not taking any chances and is working on the side of caution: I'm being referred to another hospital in town with a specialty clinic every couple weeks to have additional detailed ultrasounds & fetal echocardiograms and around 34 weeks I'll go twice a week fetal monitoring. All of this is to make sure the heart and kidneys are still ok, baby's growth stays on track, and keep watch for any other issues/defects that could arise. Also, because of the potential of higher risk for complications (to include potential stillbirth) after 39 weeks should things not stay normal, they will induce early.

    Anyone else known of anyone with this? I've done some research on it and from what I can tell the gist of the message is "as long as everything else is normal, there's nothing to worry about." Still doesn't stop me from constantly thinking worse-case scenario every time I do/don't feel something now throughout the rest of my 18 weeks :frowning: