One week to go before surgery!

I am one week out before surgery. I am excited and looking forward to being a healthier me. I gave up soda (diet), quit smoking and dropped the high carb diet all at once, and I have been doing ok. I think my bigger fear is going overboard and being a label Nazi or too strict with myself. I have never been an emotional eater, and I don't want to begin to lose weight and look at food as an enemy that made me overweight.
Is there anyone else that feels that way? Food was never a coping mechanism, it just was "yummy" and now worry you will treat it like an enemy when you see positive results?
Maybe I won't, once I understand a healthier way of eating...???


  • I am also 1 week till surgery. I will be sleeved on Sept 15. I am on day 8 of my liquid diet now. Day 2 was rough but since then it hasn't been too bad. The smell of certain foods makes me think I am hungry but because I know I have to lose weight or my surgery will be cancelled keeps me focused to go on. I wasn't an emotional eater either. I ate because I knew the food was there and I know tastes good. My strategy will be not to buy or bring my trigger foods into the house. I pray for will power! I have found many recipes online at that look absolutely delicious! When I am able to eat again I will be sure to make some of the recipes for family dinner. Life and food will change around this household for sure.
  • Good luck to you!

    I am working through a program with my health insurance and have so much information given to me I feel a bit overwhelmed so let me know if you need any tips!

  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    By now you both have had surgery! I am so excited for you and the things to come!!!

    Follow doctors orders and put the work in and you will find success!!!!