Just started 2nd Trimester - Still small appetite!!

I just started my 2nd trimester, I'm about 12 weeks 4 days I believe. I still have an extremely small appetite and its beginning to worry me. I'm still making sure I eat but I am extremely picky and foods I dislike end up making me gag so I'm definitely not eating very healthy either. Anyone else go through this?


  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    I went through this and still hardly ever have an appetite. I didn't even start gaining weight until about 22 weeks. I am a little over 25 weeks now and still rarely have an appetite. I eat because I know I need to and my baby needs it, not because I'm hungry! Using MFP has helped me realize when I need to be eating more for my baby, even if I'm not really hungry. I don't have any cravings like I hear pregnant women get, perhaps that's waiting for me later lol. I don't feel like I can even eat a whole lot like I thought all pregnant women did?! In fact if I eat too much I feel I might throw up! I have addressed this concern with my doctor. She told me some women just don't get cravings and appetites and as long as I'm making my best effort to eat mini meals/snacks throughout the day, I should be ok. Baby is growing quite well and I've managed to gain about 7lbs in just a couple of weeks. My belly has swollen really fast and I feel baby moving very frequently.