Getting Ready for Surgery!

Hello everyone! I am new to this site. I had gastric bypass about 7 years ago and it went great. My son who is 25 is going to have his sleeve surgery on Oct 1. I am just concerned with his age how he will adjust to the changes. I know socially it is going to be a struggle. Just wondering if there are any younger people out there that has had the surgery and how they are doing? Thanks!


  • gastrognome89
    gastrognome89 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi there, I'm 24 and having the surgery on Monday. My mother had a lap band a few years ago which changed her life and that was my inspiration to act early, sounds like that may be the same for your son. Many of the people on this forum have only one regret about their surgery... that they didn't do it earlier and went through years on the weightloss yo-yo. I know from genetics and my own history that I'll be the same if I don't have this surgery now. I'd rather change my social habits, and learn new healthier ones now while I'm young.

    The social aspect was my biggest concern, have a look at the previous thread about this:

    Being on the pre-op diet for the past two weeks I've had an intro to what life will be like. As others have suggested, no-one actually pays attention to what you eat and drink and being social is in some ways easier, because you're focusing just on people now instead of on food.

    Very best wishes for your son.
  • lbrown1428
    lbrown1428 Posts: 116 Member
    I just turned 25 in the middle of August and just had my gastric sleeve on 9/12/2014. I'm doing great with mine as of now I knew what to expect and had already made a lot of changes before surgery. I plan to stick with then because I want to be healthy and happy for my 2 kids. This is the best decision I could have made.