PCOS & T-25

I was wondering if anyone has done T-25 and has lost weight or seen improvement? I used to do P90 but the workouts were too long so I switched, but T-25 doesn't have strength training - it's basically cardio.


  • sweetsorrow18
    sweetsorrow18 Posts: 54 Member
    Yes, I have and I LOVED it. It's like Shaun took the best parts of Insanity and made it shorter but better, totally recommend it!!

    Remember, there are three rounds, each 5 weeks long - Alpha, Beta and Gamma. (I've done all three). While Alpha preps your body, starts to bring your endurance and speed up, Beta strengthens and conditions the body building on Alpha moves. Gamma is where the most weight loss/toning happens because all the videos require you to use either dumbbells or resistance bands - its the toughest but I loved it the most, most of the weight loss happens here in my opinion.

    The reason why I loved it so much is because its only 25 minutes- you seriously have NO excuse whatsoever to not take out 25 minutes in your day to get in a solid, sweat dripping workout. I finished the whole thing and lost around 15 pounds (eating right played a HUGE role in this, so I can't say it's all from T25 however, I did only this and no other workouts).
  • EmbraceFlow
    EmbraceFlow Posts: 19 Member
    I was just looking this up online because I have pcos too and I'm going to be doing the T25. I'm glad at least 1 person that has experience responded.