
Hello, my name is Amanda. I've lost 110 lbs and have approximately 25 lbs until I reach goal. I started taking my health seriously about for years ago. This year and most of last year I maintained my weight, but I really want to get down to 125 lbs. I'm only 5'3" and my BMI shows that I should be between 115 lbs and 145 lbs, so I'd like to be somewhere in the middle.

What are your goals? How long have you been at it? :)


  • lieselLalor
    lieselLalor Posts: 169 Member
    I'm Liesel. I currently weigh about 165lbs at 5'1". I started changing my lifestyle and trying to lose weight about 3 years ago. My heighest weight was 180lbs. I got down to 150lbs and then was pregnant with my second child. I am now 3 months post-pardum. I gained 35lbs with my pregnancy and lost 20 right away. Now I'm having trouble getting motivated again so I'm happy to have some support. My ultimate goal would be 120lbs. I'm hoping this will give me the kickstart I need. Good luck everyone!
  • runsoborun
    runsoborun Posts: 43 Member
    Hello! I am a day late, but wanted to join. I'm Lisa and I am a yo-yo dieter! I have been losing & gaining the same 8 pounds since June. I currently weight 188.5 and my goal is to get down to 140. Good luck everyone!!
  • runningsahm
    runningsahm Posts: 208 Member
    Hi! I need weekly weigh-ins and someone to keep me accountable. I had gotten down to 147 two years ago, which was really close to perfect for me. But now I'm back up to 166.6 Frustrated that I let it get away from me like that. I'm a stay-at-home mom so food is always only a few steps away. Right now I'm worried about standing up in a wedding next fall. I'd like to look good in the strapless, knee length dress and we have to order our sizes in January. So this group is the perfect time frame for me. Friend me and we can hold each other accountable!
  • JodiSW
    JodiSW Posts: 193 Member
    HI everyone! I'm Jodi.

    I've been on MFP for a few years but never participated much in challenges or adding friends, etc until recently and I'm finding it very motivating so here I am! One challenge ends and another begins...

    My whole life I've had issues with eating and weight. Eight years ago I weighed in at close to 250lbs. Two year ago I was down to 149 (my lowest weight since I was probably 12 years old). Now, I'm hovering in the 160-170 range.

    I would like this year to be the final push to develop the habits that will help me live in the 135-140 range.

    Amanda - Thanks for starting this thread and a shout out to Runningsham, my teammate from the last challenge. :)
  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 484 Member
    48 yrs old
    5ft 1 inch
    CW 168.6
    GW 132.3
    My goals for the final 15
    To no longer have a BMI in the Obese category
    I would like to lose 15 pounds by December 31, 2014
  • runningsahm
    runningsahm Posts: 208 Member
    Jodi! I was hoping you'd come here! You had a great week, keep it up!
  • amsthegreat
    amsthegreat Posts: 228 Member
    No prob! I'm excited to have so many people interested already. I really needed the motivation and I hope I can help all of you reach your goals as well. :)
  • JodiSW
    JodiSW Posts: 193 Member
    Runningsahm! Yay! Thanks for mentioning this in our other challenge. I think it's going to be a good 15 weeks!
  • JodiSW
    JodiSW Posts: 193 Member
    Amanda - Is that a picture of you from the Color Run? I did that this year for the first time. What a blast!
  • Yvesigg
    Yvesigg Posts: 28 Member
    I'm Yvie aged 47 cw 134 pounds - GW 119
    I have had zero willpower all year. Would love to get my act together and shift this excess fat.
  • sweetpea2820
    sweetpea2820 Posts: 181 Member
    HI I'm Sweetpea
    40 years old
    cw 156
    gw 135 or so
    I seem to do better reaching my goals when I'm doing a challenge so here I am
  • amsthegreat
    amsthegreat Posts: 228 Member
    Jodi, it is from the color run. I did it this year for the first time as well. Actually, it was my first 5k. I finished in about 35 min. :)
  • yayaohiggins
    yayaohiggins Posts: 48 Member
    My name is Cathy (yayaohiggins)
    I am a 55 year old grandma (yaya) to 4 beautiful little ones.
    My current weight as of Wednesday the 17th is 155.5
    My goal weight is 135

    I am new to challenges. I am just finishing my first one ending next Friday the 26th.
    I realize that I do so much better when I am accountable to other people, so this type
    of venue is a good fit for me....