
jogawa15 Posts: 34 Member
I am 1 year and 10 months out. I am down about 100 pounds. Been losing and gaining the same 5 pounds I feel like the past 6 months. My original goal is 150 but honestly would like to be closer to 140. I am still considered obese at my weight. I have let carbs back in a little of this a little of that and I never have drunk the water that I should . My clothes are feeling tighter and this scares me. the doc says if I haven't reached my goal yet I probably won't. I don't like that answer or option

I am scared not to reach my goal I am still 2 months from my 50th birthday.

I feel I can do better but I have worked hard to get here what I am doing right is exercising I walk several times a week also completely cut out diet soda. Need advise

1) how many of you reached your goal? Any of you still losing after 2 years out?
2) what are you eating? What is your carb/ calorie rules?
3) what rules did you set for yourself and still abide by?
4) I wait 30 to 40 min after eating to drink how long do you wait do you do the 30 min before?
5) thinking of doing the 5 day pouch to rest what I eat. Has anyone tried it?

Any advice encouragement tips etc...would love to hear I don't want to give up

Thanks for listening


  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    Sounds like you have done really well-- congrats on all you have achieved so far!

    You have admitted you have "let carbs back in"--- my suggestion is you show them the door again. :)

    I am 8 months out and have lost 93 pounds. I have another 15-20 to go. I also allowed some carb creep and saw my loss rate slow wayyyyy down. I am committed to living low-carb.

    What I eat?- eggs, turkey sausage, ham, chicken, pork, fish, veggies, greek yogurt (plain, but I flavor it with a little Splenda sometimes), beef, salad. Sometimes I have a protein bar or what I refer to as "Frankenfood" (the low carb snacks and treats you can buy that are probably not real good for you-- I limit them to a few times per week).

    Rules? NO RULES. Never. EVER. I lived with diet rules my whole life--- and that is how I ended up so unbelievably fat and unhealthy. I make a commitment to myself to be healthy-- that means low carb, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and a balance between work and play. If I really want to splurge, I will--- but with a full understanding of the consequences.

    Eating/drinking--- I stop drinking 15-30 mins before a meal and do not drink at least 30 mins after (although most of the time I shoot for 60 mins).

    Best of luck to you!!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    1350-1450 depending on exercise. 5'5' 150lbs female 45yrs old. blew over cals yesterday so had to double my jog this am. weigh, measure, log. if simple carbs come in i gain immediately. if i go back to lots of flesh based protein i lose quickly and feel full longer. i only indulge in simple carbs i can control. Quinoa crisps, rice cakes, popcorn are the crunchies i allow myself and then i only get the small bags 5 serving or less as an additional control. if i eat too much i promptly gain which is why i weigh every day as a control.if i get to 154.5 i institute rigid control until i am back at 150