The beginning



  • peaches026
    Hi there! Hope you don't mind me joining in :)

    Working mom to a 2 yr old and a newborn. I'm on my maternity leave through the end of December... So this countdown is two gold for me haha! I would love to get to my short term goal by the new year, I've got 13 more lbs for that. Just started logging again today.

    Would love some new friends, please feel free to add me. I've done MFP before, lost 45 lbs and got pregnant, then lost the baby weight and got pregnant again! Now I'm focusing on me and getting my body to the healthiest me I can be. Ultimately I was to lost 100 lbs from my heaviest, I'm 68 lbs away from that. I appreciate lots of support and team work.

    Let's do this!
  • libbeth_6212
    libbeth_6212 Posts: 28 Member
    Very excited to join the challenge - I absolutely need the accountability of a group challenge like this one!

    I've just recently recommitted to a weight loss journey (like so many, I've stopped and started more times than I can count!) and this 100 day challenge will be a great way to start! I'd like to lose around 20 lbs during the challenge, and then would have another 25 after that to get to my goal.

    I look forward to challenging each other and getting healthier together!

    Cheers ~~ libbeth
  • s258705r
    s258705r Posts: 96 Member
    Hi everybody!

    I am 27 and am originally from Western, NY but am now living near Pittsburgh, PA. I am not married and have no kids, just one Pit Bull/ Beagle mix puppy (5 months old).

    I am really excited to join this group. I have led a few groups since joining MFP, but I get disheartened when people start dropping out and it definitely affects my motivation. My boyfriend and I are just finishing up the process of converting an extra bedroom into a gym in our house, so I am feeling really motivated and ready to shed these lbs. in 2014.

    When I started MFP in February, I was 235, and I successfully lost 30lbs. My first goal was to get below 200, and it seems every time I get close, I end up gaining those last few lbs. back. So this remains my first goal, and from there another 20lbs by the end of the year. I am looking forward to gaining some fitness friends and sharing in each of your goals and triumphs :)
  • kalieahh
    kalieahh Posts: 17 Member
    hello. :)

    from canada, trying to lose some fat. Approx. 30-40 pounds. And the long term goal is to add muscle, and hopefully enter myself in a bikini and/or figure competition.

    Feel free to add me, im fairly new to to this site and have no friends so far :laugh:
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Hi all...

    Too many weight loss stories to tell .

    Basically lost 60 lbs 2008/2009 and kept it off for about 1 year. A job change x2 and I had gained all but 10 back. SO frustrating. So Im back and Im down 14 lbs.

    My goal is to be out of the 200s. Which is 15 lbs. <<<< I cant believe I let myself creep back up this high.

    Feel free to add me. Im always looking for more motivation
  • letsgoreilly
    Great group!

    I have been a yo yo dieter for years, I loss some weight and then put it all back on plus a few extra pounds.
    My problem was I always thought of a diet as a quick fix, something I would do for a few months then go right back to my bad habits.
    Well I am finally ready to make a life style change, really focus on eating health foods and lose slowly in a health way.

    My goal for the 100 days would be 10-15 pounds.

    would love some friends if anyone wants to add me!
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    Hello! I'm in!

    My short term goal is to lose 30 pounds in the next 100 days (I'm going to shoot for more, though) and eventually to get down to 150 which will probably take me a very long time to get there, but get there I will! I've done diets and stuff before but nothing that worked really well for me other than Atkins, which honestly was probably because I was eating less and exercising a LOT. But I started at my highest weight I've ever been and am excited to hit my mini-goals and then eventually my main goal!
  • princessmommy122
    princessmommy122 Posts: 135 Member
    My goal is to lose seven pounds and meet my overall goal of losing twenty six pounds. I am also running a half marathon in eight weeks. The training makes me really hungry and I think this group could keep me on track. Thanks for this! Good luck everyone!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Joined a Fall-Thanksgiving Challenge earlier this week.

    This will be a nice compliment to that challenge and carry me through the end of the year.
  • cgiger77
    cgiger77 Posts: 13 Member
    What a great idea. Joined and will log weight on September 23rd. This is a fantastic motivation and look forward to the challenge.
  • angelamb1970
    angelamb1970 Posts: 123 Member
    Count me in!! Could definitely use the inspiration and encouragement. I've got a long, long, long way to go. I added to the document and looking forward to this challenge! Thank you so much for starting this!!
  • determinedladybug
    Hello everyone. I am a Holiday junkie and I love to cook. This challenge will help me stay on track through the celebrations and focus on this healthy lifestyle and the habits I have been working on. I would love to lose 15 lbs by the end of the challenge. I am working on finding balance in my calories and workouts in a way to make them sustainable long term.
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    Hi all! Thanks for starting this group! I'm Lauren, 32, live in Wyoming. I'm usually pretty active and fit but I totally fell off the wagon after my wedding last summer and gained 15 pounds over the winter! I'm working on getting back down to 117ish. (I'm pretty short and have a petite frame.) Anyway, best of luck to you all and keep putting one foot in front of the other! :drinker:
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    Welcome all new members. You all are awesome. Make sure that you add youself to the spreadsheet (no log in required).

    Anyone need help just ask.
  • Kathyonf
    Kathyonf Posts: 10 Member
    Hi. my name is Kathy and I have a very similar story to a few people here. I've lost and gain back the same 25-30 lbs several times in my life! It's back again because I stopped being active. If I continue to live a healthy active life style once the weight comes off, I can maintain it for the short term - it's the long term that I have trouble with! Over the last year, I just haven't had the motivation to run or cycle as usual until about 6 weeks ago. I'm back at it again and looking forward to the support a group like this can offer.

    Looking forward to the opportunity to chat!
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    Kathy, we are happy to have you in the group.

    Keep inspiring.
  • rebetha82
    rebetha82 Posts: 125 Member
    Great group, awesome concept! I am very excited about this :)

    I am trying to set realistic goals for me. I discovered MFP 4 weeks ago and have logged in every single day since and lost 4 whopping pounds :) After 2 years of trying quick fixes, I finally realised that I cannot rapidly lose the weight I gained slowly. So little steps and patience it is.
    With a starting weight of 179 lbs (as of Wednesday), my goal is to lose a pound per week, hence 14 pounds until the end of 2014. I am sure this group will keep me motivated.

    Good luck to everyone!

    PS: Feel free to add me :) I am 32 years old, originally German, living in Quebec, Canada with my quebecois boyfriend and a fat old cat named Bogus.
  • believefsc
    believefsc Posts: 49 Member
    This is just what I need. Thank you so much for inviting me.

    My long term goal is 150 pounds! Sounds unattainable at first glance but the stories on MFP have so inspired me I know I can do this. I am 2 1/2 weeks into my new healthy lifestyle and am enjoying it immensely. I have already lost 10+ pounds and several inches (17 inches to be exact, or 4.5% of where I started). I like comparing my weight loss in percentages because people with varying amounts of weight to lose, lose at such different rates.

    I work in finance, from home, so live a very sedentary lifestyle, with my cat, Salem. I'm on the computer 10 hours/day plus more now that I'm on MFP. My goal once I'm more mobile is to get moving, starting with water aerobics and progressing to walking again. This is the most important goal for me. Mobility. I have several hikes on my bucket list and I plan on doing them next summer!

    I look forward to meeting you all, supporting you all and keeping each other motivated and encouraged throughout our 100-day journey.
  • msalperson
    Looks like a great group here! I'm about to finish my 9th week on MFP and have lost about 11 pounds. At the 10 pound mark, MFP cut 70 calories off my daily goal and that has taken a bit of adjusting. I bike to and from my job, so I'm cycling five days a week - not a long ride, but the last section has a bit of an uphill. I then go into one of NYC's subway stations in northern Manhattan, take an elevator to the upper exit and carry my bicycle up 25 steps to the street. Good exercise!
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    Awesome success stories. Keep them coming.

    Please add your info to spreadsheet and spread the word about group.
