How are you losing the weight?

More specifically, what is your daily calorie allowance? What kind of foods do you eat? What kind of exercise are you taking?

My daily calorie allowance is 1200 calories (which is pretty hard on some days), I also try not to eat back the calories burnt by exercise.

I cook meals from scratch every day and try to stay away from processed foods, sugary drinks and alcohol. I don't eat a lot of meat with dinner either, I will have either chicken breast or some low-fat minced beef a couple of days a week, and maybe a vegetarian burger or egg on other days. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables and try to drink at least 1.75L water every day (if I drink 2L I'm peeing about every other minute!).

I have always eaten pretty healthily, my main problem is that I eat TOO MUCH. I also love carbs way too much, especially in bread and potato form. I have also eaten way too much chocolate over the past few months!

A standard 1200cal diet day would look something like this:

- Breakfast: natural yoghurt, blueberries and shredded wheat or special K cereal

- Mid-Morning: fruit

- Lunch: 2 slices of seeded wholemeal bread with spread

- Afternoon: either fruit or a mix of tomato/cucumber/grated carrot

- Dinner: varies a lot, but often chicken, potatoes and green beans, asparagus or peas

- Snack: Options hot chocolate made with skimmed milk

Now.. exercise. I hate it. I make myself do it because I don't want to be 'skinny fat', but by god, I hate it. I know it's pathetic, but I really dislike getting sweaty.. I'm also very self-conscious, so the gym is not an option. I mostly do fitness dvd's at home, like Jillian Michaels and pilates, but I'm also doing some body weight exercises and walking. I try to get half an hour of exercise in every day.

So what about you? What's your diet/exercise regime?


  • Hungry_Annie
    Hungry_Annie Posts: 807 Member
    My calorie goal is 1700. I eat back most calories. I have a huge appetite. I am very active though.

    I play a lot of tennis, i have started running, and i do dvd's at home. I have been going to the gym more lately as well.

    Veggies are my biggest problem. I hate most of them. Its a texture thing. But im working on it.
    I bought a juicer so im trying to incorporate more veggies and fruits that way.
  • atom_ant71
    I've been on a high protein, low carb diet. It seems to be working because I'm losing weight without exercising. My daily intake is meant to be 1200, but I find myself eating a lot less and drinking more herbal teas.
  • Arizona_C
    Arizona_C Posts: 1,476 Member
    1200-1400 cals/day, basically low carb, high protein, doing 2-3 h or cardio and walking a day.
    Weightloss in so far 35 lb in 4 months.
    It is hard to stick to this, though, I'm getting tired of all that sports and eating so litlle -but satisfied with the results...
    I'm not sure how I'll procedd from ow on maybe upper cals a little even though weight loss will be slower.
  • just_special
    just_special Posts: 99 Member
    My calorie goal on here is 1200/day.

    I am on mainly liquid diet right now due to health reasons, so reaching 1200 is a challenge, to say the least. I do the best I cccan with protein shakes and liquid supplements.

    My main nutritional goals are to drink water, A LOT of it, and get as much protein in my diet as possible. Aiming for 0.5g for every pound I weigh.

    I walk as much as possible right now, would LOVE to get back into running, but also currently not recommended.
  • XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX
    Around 1500-1600 calories ( I breastfeed )
    Mostly I'm just doing a calorie deficit right now and walking daily.

    Soon I'll re join the gym so I can do some weights.
  • Book_lover92
    Book_lover92 Posts: 32 Member
    I have a max calorie allowance of 1600-1700 and I try not to eat back the calories I burn off.
    I have a ridiculous amount of allergies (23) so meals are hard. I try to have a high protein low carb low sugar diet.
    I go horse riding once a week and I aim to do a minimum of 20mins on my exercise bike a day.Its seems to be working so far :-)
  • XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX
    XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX Posts: 274 Member
    I bought a HRM today! Ive been Active but now Im going to aim for atleast 500 calories burned a day