Longest stall?

What was everyone's longest stall in their first year? The stall I'm in has lasted 11 days now and I am soooooooo over it. :laugh:


  • MistyHiker
    MistyHiker Posts: 175 Member
    Happy to hear your past that stall. It will happen again.

    When I started working out the scale stalled for 3 weeks then I dropped 8lbs the next week. That's been my longest stall so far.
  • Liongoddess
    Liongoddess Posts: 107 Member
    Interesting question..... I am six months post-op. I have not had a weight loss now for the past 12 days. I have previously had an 11 day and a 13 day "stall." Every time it happens I start thinking that I'm not going to lose anymore weight. I know that thinking this way is irrational as I only eat about 850 calories per day - but I still have those thoughts. I had a bracelet made that is stamped with "Trust the Process." I wear it everyday to remind myself that as long as I am doing my part - eating and moving the way I should - the weight WILL come off! I know this....but it's still hard when the scale is not moving.
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    What was everyone's longest stall in their first year? The stall I'm in has lasted 11 days now and I am soooooooo over it. :laugh:

    Holy Cow!! I wish mine only lasted 11 days :wink:

    I lost pretty fast my first three weeks then stalled for THREE WEEKS! It freaked me out!! I didn't have many more until kind of recently. I finally broke a FIVE week long stall that started a couple months ago and lasted up until about three weeks ago.

    Stalls really suck, but as long as you are doing it all right they do break. I am only 11 months out, btw. I have my year anniversary on October 16th!
  • trinity9058
    trinity9058 Posts: 149 Member
    Whoops, I think I wrote that wrong. The stall hasn't broken yet.....but I am over it (meaning I wish it would go away lol). I think I'm on day 12. I hope this doesn't last three weeks or five weeks but if it does, c'est la vie right? This past week I started increasing my activity so that probably didn't help matters any. It'll come off eventually, it has to or my body is disobeying the laws of physics :bigsmile:
  • juliebccs
    Well it depends on what we call a stall. I have had absolutely no weight loss on the scales or even going up a little where I was unable to update my diary for about 10 days.
    However at 6 months my weight loss has slowed to crawling,,so sometimes I think I am stalled but it is just moving gram by gram and is not easy to see on the scales.

    I met an old friend who had the procedure done 16 months ago and she told me she had a stall for 5 weeks from her third week. I would have lost my mind with that long.
    I just keep looking at the past month loss when things stall so that i can see it averaged out and feel better.
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    Whoops, I think I wrote that wrong. The stall hasn't broken yet.....but I am over it (meaning I wish it would go away lol). I think I'm on day 12. I hope this doesn't last three weeks or five weeks but if it does, c'est la vie right? This past week I started increasing my activity so that probably didn't help matters any. It'll come off eventually, it has to or my body is disobeying the laws of physics :bigsmile:

    Hang in there :) It'll break! Just keep following your plan.

    Oh a little tip: How much water/fluid are you drinking? If you're not getting enough this can make a big difference. For me, I think this may have been part of my problem. I've had on and off again issues with getting enough fluids since surgery. During my stalls I've kinda realized that since a couple weeks or more before my stalls even started I hadn't been drinking enough and worked on upping my intakes shortly before the weight starts to come off again.

    I really don't know if they are related, but if my body is retaining water to avoid dehydration then I imagine they very well could be.
  • trinity9058
    trinity9058 Posts: 149 Member
    Julie, this stall was one where I bounced back and forth in the same 6 ounces. I'd go down, then up, then down, then up. It was frustrating. I wouldn't be able to handle a 5 long week stall, I would also lose my mind lol. Now that I've said, I better knock on wood. That hike yesterday finally got stoked a fire and I lost two pounds. Hopefully it won't go back up.

    Sarah, I think that is one of my problems. When I go into a stall and start looking at what I was doing, there is always less water and protein than there should be. I really just need to watch what I'm doing. Right after my surgery I felt like I could take on the world so I signed up for a whole bunch of stuff that I actually don't have time for and that was stressing me out too. I got rid of all of it and now I am feeling much better.
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    I up the intensity of my workout and change it up a bit and then BAM I drop wt like crazy! I am glad you lost the 2 pounds. WAY TO GO GIRL!
  • trinity9058
    trinity9058 Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks! It was hard work lol. I want to do it again but fall has started here and the top of that mountain is one of the places you just don't go after summer time so it'll have to wait until spring I guess. I never thought I would actually like hiking.
  • shonrecio
    shonrecio Posts: 89 Member
    I had several stalls over the past year. One around week 3 then again a few months later. It seemed like forever I think it was a few weeks. I've noticed foe me when I work out a lot I don't see as much progress. My trainer told me to rest every other day because I was overworking my muscles and not giving them time to recover. I hit a plateau around month 9 it hut broke and I'm moving. Again. Had to learn how to do things differently. It will pass you may see inches loss versus pounds lost. I moved seeing my clothes size go down.
  • clcesari
    Hit a 3 week stall about 10 days after surgery. Once I lost all the fluid retention, BAM. There that heffer was. I have had a couple weeks here and there. Then I had another one about a month later for 10 days I think. I am only a little over 2 months out. I have spent more time on stalls, than losing weight. BUT! I'm getting smaller, so, YAY!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    My longest was probably about 3 months. I've always lost slowly and stalled often, so I don't even pay attention anymore.

  • sarahViolet1977
    sarahViolet1977 Posts: 88 Member
    Hit a 3 week stall about 10 days after surgery. Once I lost all the fluid retention, BAM. There that heffer was. I have had a couple weeks here and there. Then I had another one about a month later for 10 days I think. I am only a little over 2 months out. I have spent more time on stalls, than losing weight. BUT! I'm getting smaller, so, YAY!

    Ditto to this...I'm not losing weight but my body is getting smaller. I've had a ton of stalls in the 2 months since surgery
  • suzee279
    My longest stall was about 8 weeks. I stall often and for long periods of time, then the scale begins to move. Keep doing what you are supposed to be doing, and once it breaks you will see a lot of movement suddenly. I try to ignore the stalls now. I am 20 months out.
