one more on the 'evils' of yoga-specifically 'namaste'

jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
I took my first yoga classes on vacation in August, because i wanted a workout that didn't involve a weightroom or gym with no sunlight. beach yoga fit perfectly. I was in touch with the instructor for details on her classes and then we had more communications when I thought my vacation would be cancelled due to hurricane. After I got home I wanted to post to a travel site about my experience and I emailed the instructor to ask permission to use a photo we'd taken together. she readily agreed and signed off with 'namaste.'

I had to google it but one explanation from urbandictionary is "The Spirit within me salutes the Spirit in you" isn't that a beautiful phrase?

why it never occurred to me before, but today during a funeral mass I connected this with the new phraseology we're using. no more 'and also with you' but now we say ' and with your spirit.' kinda funky, huh?


  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    I have avoided yoga specifically due to the religious undertones that can accompany it. Prior to my weight loss journey, I knew nothing of yoga and since educating myself on nutrition and fitness for my lifestyle change, I have read a lot of things on yoga and decided that I would choose something else to do in its place. Instead, I have done pilates DVD workouts and have really been challenged by them and liked them. So whether or not some instructors pull you into a yoga workout that is contrary to Catholic teaching is not an issue I have to deal with which is good as I have plenty issues to handle already.
    I know lots of people who do yoga who enjoy it and don't see anything religious in it, but none of them are catholic so I haven't really ever gotten a catholic fitness person's perspective on it. So I appreciate your comment and it does seem kinda funky.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    AND an hour yoga class even at 8am was a sweat-fest...